This is not intended as a political post, hopefully its allowed. What are some charities I can donate to that are reputable, and will use the proceeds to help civilians in Gaza?
Islamic Relief Worldwide, Inc. (Registered Charity No. 328158)
Doctors without borders
Anera is the charity I’ve been considering. They’ve got good ratings from Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, etc.
“Anera is responding to the immense humanitarian need in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Your donation will provide immediate and sustainable relief in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.”
Medical Aid for Palestinians seem to be one of the few UK registered charities who are managing to get work done on the ground. Israel and Egypt are still (afaik) blocking a lot of aid getting through.
Also I want to share that when I searched online for Palestinian NGOs, I got hundreds of results from an organisation called ‘NGO Monitor’ who claim to give unbiased information on NGOs. A lot of the information on their pages seemed quite emotive and unbaly, and did some digging. In reality they are a right wing Israeli organisation that just focuses on listing allegations of terrorism funding / sympathies against charities and NGOs that works in Palestine, they don’t back up allegations with good sources and they don’t give any other information on what the organisation does. So be mindful of that if you do any online research, they seem to have made sure searches for certain topics throw up loads of their pages, and they have a definite bias and reason for existence.
I’m not an expert on any of this.
ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Red Crescent Society Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres would one send money to Hamas?