The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) has to be up there. Literally glorifies the stock market and presents a finance bro job as the key to happiness. There’s a scene near the start where Will Smith is outside the NYSE looking at all the suits going in and out and narrating how he was inspired by how happy everyone was, and how this inspired him to bootlick his way into some internship, the pursuit of which literally requires him to alienate his friends and family and sleep in subway bathrooms with his five-year-old son. Everyone in the movie is a lazy, unscrupulous asshole, except for the rich people, of course, who are portrayed as generous and open-minded for allowing Will Smith in the door after he kisses their asses the whole movie. All of his struggle with homelessness and poverty etc. is portrayed not as injustice but as the ideal scenario, rewarding the hardest, most dedicated worker with a job. It is literally r/upliftingnews: the movie.
boss baby. How can a baby be a boss. Deranged ultraliberal shit
Probably Red Dawn, which internalized early 80s redux red scare brainworms for most of the older half of Gen X
Watching Red Dawn in theatres but booing the Americans and cheering deafeningly every time the communists show up.
That would be a fun Hexbear field trip if we did that kind of thing
Would be a good idea to have a bunch of members on a site that openly calls for violent revolution meet up in one spot
That’s why I said “if”
Can’t wait for the government-subsidized Hexbear Poster reunion of 2034 after the Great American Liberation War ends
Anything Sorkin related. Trial of the Chicago 7 comes to mind recently.
That movie sucked so fucking hard.
Imagine making Abbie fucking Hoffman say “The system is fine it’s just filled with bad people”. :agony-immense:
Aaron Sorkin and putting his words in the mouths or revolutionaries and minorities, name a better duo.
Bulworth was Sorkin though. Exception proves the rule.
Edit: Bulworth, not Canadian Bacon
Idiocracy. The poor are subhumans unlike the rich, but unfortunately the rich are too meek to assert their superiority over the serfs and dies out, leaving the former to destroy civilization with thier inferiority.
It’s a literal fascist propaganda and the fact that libs really love that moves tells you a lot.
The whole explanation it had was unmaterialist and eugenicist, etc.
But the way it depicted the particularities of late capitalist vicissitudes was weirdly spot on.
Thats really the thing about fascists, theyve always been able to spot the problems and frame them in reactionary terms, whereas Liberals really cant do either and parade around a lot of cultural bullshit.
I dunno. I bought into that joke that president commacho is a better president than anyone we have. When he finds a super genius thst can solve their probelms he just puts him in charge. Which by any measure would make him the best president in US history.
There is some shit there to unpack and it gets lost in rasism shit of it.
I never know if that was meant to be intentional or not. Like the whole movie is basically saying “haha these people are all idiots”, but in the end they’re more equitable and kind than anything you’d see in a liberal reality.
The Lion King features animals literally bowing down in subservience to the animals that eat them, and this is explicitly justified in the movie, because monarchs eating their subjects is just the “circle of life”
I saw it in theaters and it wa wild. Somehoe seeing the animals in realistic cgi really drove it home to me. No one I was at the Dennys with after the film got with it though.
I ask you though. After an undetermined period of Scar’s managemnt does not the savanna thrive? The lions complain they are not allowed the riches they once enjoyed. But fuck em. Fucking disney makes a movie about a strong African woman protecting her people and it works. Then tells us we aren’t supposed to be hapoy it worked
ya but what if i wanna fuck the bunny
WALL-E - Destroying the environment through rabid consumerism is okay guys, we’ll send some robots and once its fixed we’ll just go back to normal :so-true:
Darkest Hour - Didn’t even watch this one because I knew I would hate myself but doing a biopic on Winston fucking Churchill is cringe enough
Any Capeshit - Don’t even have to explain this I hope, they’re usually just borderline or actually outright State Department propaganda.
Not a movie but the show The West Wing. You should unironically be put into a re-education camp if you watch this LOL
Nah, I’ll fight for walle. That hit fully automated luxury comunism and they had to adjust to the new paradigm
I mean isnt a rather big point of Wall-e that just relying on the robots to fix it was… Bad? Like isn’t the captaim realizing that earth is his home, and its worth putting in effort to save it the big turning point of the movie?
yeah they literally go anprim at the end lmao
Is it really anprim if you’re doing it with robots?
I think the generally accepted term is Solarpunk