Finally, that tired excuse of a sport has no reason to exist
What else are we supposed to do? Humans are running out of creative ways to advance our destructive powers as is, think of all the negative ecological & sociological effects, the senseless overconsumption, the shitty superiority complex apparently necessary to play, etc.
I too sometimes forget they call it a sport, there must be a funny story behind that as it’s obviously ironical.
Reject golf, embrace disc golf (ideally in a naturally wooded area with minimal deforestation)
Great! When can we start?
I’m gonna read that as ‘disemballed’, which just means they lose all their golf ballls
i dont see the problem of having one course available for not-rich people to use and play the sport. are they really THAT wasteful?
It takes a ton of land and resources for something that’s only sold to the elite.
If we had far less and made them community accessible and not require the lawns that golf does, it would be better.
Frizbee golf is a good example. Yes its not the same but its in a lot of public parks, doesnt destroy the landscape to build it, and the maint is low
just play mini golf it’s like regular golf but not boring as fuck (and more environmentally friendly)
Yay, more high-rises to half-build and abandon!
What happens if you’re just caught on a driving range?
They just practice killing you
Disembowelment for golfing?!? Like cut your guts and let them hang out of you - for golfing?!?! If they are going to sell the golf course, that’s fine but don’t cut me!
If you golf you deserve it tbh
…I feel attacked
Name yourself GolfGuyBallWhacker and join the war on lawns in the side of the environment.
Most people feel a bit attacked when disemboweled, I imagine
Not as much as the attack on biodiversity that golf courses create.
That author has the best name for a fake ID I’ve ever seen.
That’s definitely Roger from American Dad.
It was either that or Mohammed
Aka Lamfiii
Definitely seems like the name of someone who coined the term “golfercide” because he’s worried about having his own head lopped off.