I’d bet my entire life savings (about $3) that a bunch of hogs made a concentrated effort to get the Blood Libel Game™ nominated. There’s no chance it wins against BG or LC but its still bizarre to see
also Starfield got a nom for “Most Innovative Gameplay”
I guess i would need to check this, but it don’t really look appealing on a first glance, many old jrpg elements that were always offputting me like combos, multiple protagonists and running around for no reason.
Ah, see, i like those things, i love Chrono Trigger and its supposedly inspired by it. In just found the charachters/story/world kind of unengaging. Even the art while beauiful at first glance felt uninspired to me after a bit.
Like the game supposedly was made for someone with my tastes but something about it bounced off me completly.
I’m trying it now. Just starting but it’s pretty ok, a lot of running, pseudo-platformer terrain (it’s not the real platformer though, it would instantly go into trash if it was). Graphics and music are pretty good. Combat system is full of really obnoxious minigames including twitchy trigger combos at every single move, sometimes even multiple per move which would be case for unistall too, but fortunately it have pretty ok storytelling relic you can activate for HP boost and healing after each combat.
Overall decent but nowhere near even the early engagement of Rogue Trader, Wandering Sword and Baldur.
Also, i just guessed after 10 minutes that it is actually a French game. It might be inspired by Japanese classics, but it just absolutely feel like the 90’s-00’s French comic books from even just character design and setup.
Oh hey thanks for remembering me! And for the input