Every single large server in this federation has at least one Star Trek community. There is even an entire server dedicated to Star Trek.
Not only that, these communities are some of the most active I’ve ever seen. There is no other franchise I know of that dominates the federation as much as Star Trek does.
So, what’s the correlation with Lemmy and Star Trek? Why not other sci-fi series? Please, are there any connections?? Is this all coincidental?
I recently started watching TNG for the first time since I was a kid (mostly thanks to the rosa memes). The show is incredibly progressive, especially for a show that came out in 1990. I just watched a race last night where Riker “fell in love” with a member of an androgynous species that were not gendered.
The whole thing was about the individuals struggle to realize their gender identity.
It’s wild to me that I have friends who say dis is too woke because it has real gay, trans, autistic, etc. characters, but they love TNG. Really? You sure forgot a lot of the episodes.