It looks nice! Great green accents! Why do you keep the PC on the desk? Are you often working on it?
That chair doesn’t have the best lumbar support. If you start to notice issues you might want to upgrade the chair. Maybe a wobble stool? Or even standing?
It’s a carpeted basement room, I just didn’t want to gamble on the disasters that could befall it lower. As for the chair I’ve not noticed any issues, I actually really like it! Maybe it was miscalibrated when you used it? With a little tweaking its pretty cushy.
This is very cool :) I love how cozy it feels
Is that a lego bamboo tree?
Yep! I’ve since added a lego orchid too :)
Awesome. Nice theme, it’s like Green Lantern’s rec room.
I was going to comment about the PC on the desk but you already said the reason why. If you had more stuff you could probably fit another drawer underneath that table.
I ended up moving the little thing of drawers the laptop is on over underneath the tower, now I can use the part of the desk it used to be under much more easily.