It isn’t the case that nothing happened. That one journalist who was most closely involved in it all got blown up in a car bomb, and all the other interests clamped down and made it harder and mor lethal for other journalists to follow suit. Yay for Israeli and Argentinian zero day exploits, anyone can buy acccess to your phone!!
Do you have a link? Looks like Bastian Obermayer is still alive.
They’re thinking of Daphne Caruana Galizia, a Maltese journalist who uncovered the involvement of several Maltese politicians and who was then murdered with a car bomb a year later
Thank you! I was unaware.
You’re right, I think I’d read stories about some other journalist being targeted and killed after the Panama Papers. It seems like the latest news is that the main journalist was not killed, but people are still looking into the specifics of what happened.
At least Iceland ousted their government at the time after the revelation. Which is why it is up to the collective people to mobilise. A government is only in place so long as the population allows them to. “People get the government they deserve.” After all, there are only thousands of politicians compared to the millions of ordinary citizens.
In April 2019, the ICIJ and European newspapers reported that the global tally of such payments exceeded one billion USD, and is now at 1.2 billion.
Looks like lots of payments happened as well as arrests!
The wheels of justice are slow, but they do move.
I just wish I was more sure of which direction they moved.
C’mon Chives, don’t be coy. You know which direction.
I’m happy you have faith left in the system. Someone has to believe the system and unknown and mostly unelected and unaccountable beurocrats are coming to save us and not holding just enough people accountable to placate the masses. If not for this beautiful optimism, who or what would hold us back from taking both individual and collective action in replacing, reforming or ignoring said sytem after all?
Also, may I recommend that anyone with their senses left intact stop using or trusting Wikipedia a decade or so ago?
I agree reform sounds great! I agree many systems can be improved. Lots of government officials could do with some more accountability.
I personally still love wikipedia for this kind of high level analysis, but you are welcome to use whatever sources you like!
Thanks, friend. I think we agree more than we disagree on the need for change. But I feelbwe do disagree quite a bit on what the best use of time and energy to be effective in achieving that change is. Keep trying your best to get accountability in whatever way seems most likely to succeed for you personally.and of course use whichever sources you prefer, but be very skeptical of them all. I’ll direct my energy toward the same goals but with vastly different methods.
Anyway, best luck. Onward and upward!
The monsters killed Daphne Caruana Galizia over it.
A journalist got assassinated, so I wouldn’t say that nothing happened.
This is even sadder than the original message 😢
Did they think poor people enforce the rules?
Amd then they to connect that shit with qanon. Most obvious propaganda ever.
For a dramatization of the Panama Papers, watch the comedy-drama film The Laundromat streaming on Netflix.
All the rich people in the world?
Yeah that sounds like a fair take
Thanks for this. Don’t collectivise. Judge people on the content of their character, not the number of digits in their phony fiat ledger account.