• WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Our obsession with gender is deeply weird to me (though not as weird as other languages that gender all nouns).

    Why have we decided that the most important thing when referring to people (with pronouns) is their gender, over a million other things like their hair colour, height, political prescriptions, age…

    It serves no meaningful purpose, and we as a society should get past it.

    • saltesc@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah I find it really weird.

      Society makes people really insecure to the point they have to change or assert who they are to ensure they feel they fit in how they always wanted. We’re obsessed with identity. Literally how we are seen.

      “I am an X.”

      That’s great But, what the fuck does that actually mean? Let’s put how one is seen by others, i.e. their identity, aside. What’s left to care about so much? Or is the insecurity of what others think and how one fits in with that so strong, that someone will mould themself into what others think, losing entirely who they actually are.

      “I always knew I was X.”

      Okay. But what does that mean? What does it mean to be X? Is there anything in there that has zero to do with societal identity and the traits that come with it?

      Well, in this case X = second toe bigger than first toe. So there’s the perspective. And if history shaped us that way, no one would care about gender and we’d all be fighting for surgery to snip or extend toes and rocking flip flops in winter. We’re that dumb and insecure that we change ourselves and reinforce stupid societal ideals instead of just disregard them until they eventually go.