Another player who was at the table during the incident sent me this meme after the problem player in question (they had a history) left the group chat.

Felt like sharing it here because I’m sure more people should keep this kind of thing in mind.

    1 year ago

    How did they even come to such a perspective? There are all kinds of physical handicaps in fiction.

    Raistlin had a mysterious uncurable ailment imposed by Par-Salian.
    Albrech has to forsake love to attain the Rheingold. Several gods and heroes are missing various limbs.

    And blindness? Daredevil. Tiresias. Any number of blind kung-fu masters.

    Sometimes they’re afflictions that are paid as a price for powers, sometimes their curses, sometimes their obstacles that heroes overcome. But disabled people have been all over fantasy literature for millenia.