Germany: shock
Cyprus: anger
None had any discourse around what the PISA scores measure and if there’s any problematisation warranted around the methodology etc. So, in the end, it just serves as a regular outrage topic for the news cycle, but because no-one understands what the scores mean, no-one can do anything about them.
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For the people that care. The majority is happy voting against any progress and to just complain about kids these days being stupid or something.
In Germany it is all over the news. Mostly in shock about the poor ranking.
I live in Spain, in Catalunya precisely, and the community ranked pretty low compared to the others:
People mostly blame it in the lack of consideration for teachers, with teacher salaries being among the lowest in the country compared to other communities.
I am a little pissed, lol, because for example Germany is the only country which includes so called “Sonderschulen”, special schools for disabled peoples. And I learned that some country’s told some people to don’t go to school in the test time.
So I think shouldn’t be labeled as a “competition” but more like something to learn from other people and countries…
Do you think the countries that are more inclined to tell students that are behind to not show up to school have an education ethos that will hel long term?
It’s ways good to compare but we should measure what’s being compared too.
Biggest surprise for me is Norway.
Australia here. Hasn’t made the news.
How come the UK is listed as one country when we have three different school systems?
The same goes for other countries. Germany, for example, has 16 different school systems. But I know from the media coverage that there is more detailed data. I think it’s just to simplify the image.
Data is available for each system:
“Chinese Taipei”?
This refers to Taiwan.
I guessed as much, but the point stands: what kind of Winnie The Pooh bullshit is this?
The fact that they allow China to participate to study only from the well education parts should tell story how BS it is.
As a Canadian, being so high on the list kind of makes me sad for humanity. So many people are worse than us? We aren’t exactly impressive, in my opinion.
Poland: not much surprise. These have just proved how the previous government destroyed education here.
Note: one of the first decision the new government is to make is a significant raise for teachers, but all the damages done over last 8 years won’t be that easy to fix.
For Germany I‘m supprised that many here write shocked. That would have been ten years ago, nowadays we are in the acceptance phase.
We were really PISA’d off.
This doesnt seem right. Its all over the place. How reliable is the source?
It’s a program managed by the OECD. The link to the program description is at the end of the OP.