• @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    I don’t know how to feel about this election as an ameribro.

    I’m left-libertarian (upper case left, lower case libertarian) on the political compass, which is practically not represented in US politics, so I’ll take whatever I can get. Biden is, realistically, the best I can hope for this election cycle. He’s not great, there’s a lot of big policy issues I diverge with him on pretty sharply (both on left and libertarian), but the other candidates for the DNC are a hot fucking mess. As for the libertarian party, it’s actually insane. Gary Johnson got booed for saying he’d want people to have driver’s licenses to drive. That’s a no go for me. And as far as the conservatives go, they run the gamut from not an instant disaster (I guess) to the loud, proud, and complete end of the republic.

    Biden has at least done some things that I kinda like, and doesn’t seem keen on destroying the republic. I’d love to get a reformer in and sweep Reaganism out on its wrinkled, swampy ass forevermore, but I don’t think that’s realistic at this point. Where I start getting worried is that the Biden campaign seems dead set on repeating some frankly terrible HRC '16 strats, which, well, we saw how well that worked for her, but the pro-Biden response is “Trust me bro, Trump is actually unelectable this time”. I’m also concerned because, let’s face it, Biden’s old enough that he could get struck down with a stroke or what have you at any minute.* Every day, the cosmic dice are getting more and more weighted against him. The democrats have done very little to make a case for a possible candidate/president Harris, where the republicans have laid a LOT of groundwork against her. If Biden bites it or gets incapacitated, Harris is going to have a huge uphill climb in front of her.

    I guess where I get uneasy is that it feels like the democrats are making a lot of avoidable and predictable mistakes, and they’re just banking that it won’t blow up in their face this time because, uh, what, that was that time, this is this time? They could do better, but they’re just going to choose not to, and be shocked if shit goes sideways.

    *I mean, so could Trump, but I’m not hoping that he wins.

    • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
      27 months ago

      Political compass is libertarian (that kind of libertarian) propaganda used primarily by neo-nazis. You should take anyone using it seriously.

  • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Americans: “Voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote, you need to vote the lesser fascist”

    Also Americans: [pencils in the stupidest shit to the point a fictional character wins the popular vote]

    • @ThePac@lemmy.ml
      27 months ago

      Americans: “Voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote, you need to vote the lesser fascist or democracy is over”

      This is unironically the truth.

    • @neocamel
      27 months ago

      Do you have a helpful statement?

      • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
        27 months ago

        Use that fancy internet thing of yours to organize a mass movement and vote for a 3rd party candidate that represents the people.

        • @OmnipotentEntity@beehaw.org
          17 months ago

          Imo, pretty much all third party candidates are doomed to lose, no matter who they are, unless they have explicit backing of one of the two major parties.

          The best thing to do is change the rules before you try to play by them. This means attacking the 2 party system by the actual weak link: the first past the post voting system. Run on and vote in candidates to the two parties who vow to dismantle it. Elections are run by the locally, so we can do this state by state, city by city. This is achievable and has already started in some cities.

  • @Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi
    17 months ago

    Not just that, soon after the US election, the UK will be gearing up for their General Election. Latest is the end of January 2025 according to a quick search.

    • @conditional_soup@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      By all polls and sentiment, it seems like it’s going to be a goddamned bloodbath for the tories. I’m actually kinda pumped, I hope they get everything that’s coming to them.

      • @Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi
        07 months ago

        It’s going to be bittersweet in a way because of Labour not being particularly great either, but yeah, they’ve had it coming for a very long time.

  • Doctor xNo
    7 months ago

    Damn, I read election with an R at first and was already getting worried. 😅

    • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
      07 months ago

      No person outside the US does, but yet we get affected by them with their constant invasions both culturally and military.

      • @bigdug@lemmy.zip
        07 months ago

        I’m in the U.S. and I’m pretty sure I don’t care either, the campaigns go on for way way too long.

    • @zcd@lemmy.caOP
      37 months ago

      Its more a commentary on America’s frighteningly real chance of descending into a Russian sponsored fascist dictatorship. But sure if that scratches your persecution fetish I’m not gonna kink shame you

    • PureTryOut
      17 months ago

      Tbh a “normal” democracy doesn’t only have 2 parties to choose from, none of which represents the majority of citizens. Your democracy sucks honestly.