It would make way more sense for Stargate cosplayers to be at a renfaire since every single planet they went to on that series seemed to have villagers at about the renaissance level of technology (gotta wonder, did they have access to a bunch of medieval/renaissance sets for cheap lol?).
Of course, if you went as Stargate cosplayers you would have to basically dress up as para military wannabe chuds who’s personalities revolve around owning useless guns (like sword person who is obsessed with swords but way less fun) and being a bigot. People might not even recognize you are in costume and just assume you are a bunch of losers who express their freedom by going to renfaires carrying around murder weapons and dressing in tactical gear.
…better to go as the Star Trek cosplayers lol.
You’d never mistake a SG team for the bigots. There are women, and non-white people on the team!
Have I missed something? Is stargate regarded as bigoted now?
I think they were saying the opposite. The gun obsessed military types you see in public may be bigots. SG characters may look similar bat are various races and not bigots.
Staff weapons are weapons of
terrormurder.The P-90 is a weapon of war!
Yeah but in Star Trek’s future they have headlamps… but for your hands
You could just have that weird golden cumshot on your forehead.
What a terrible day to be literate
this got so out of hand at my local fest that they decided to do time traveller’s weekend as a theme. this year we went, and my costume was a cave man who hit his head on a tree branch while chasing a rabbit, woke up here and is amazed by everything
I hope you interacted with someone’s pet like it was potential food.
you mean friend-wolf? friend-wolf not food!
What a coincidence: just yesterday I rewatched the warehouse 13 episode where they’re at a civil war reenactment LARP and someone complains about the fucking trekkies always crashing their party as RPG time travelers.
Well, the renfaire people only get to be upset if this is the only anachronism in costumes
My friend who used to work at a ren faire says it’s a lazy overdone joke and the people who do it tend to be dicks.
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And a tricorder that they occasionally check while trying to look sneaky.
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A not insignificant number of guests are usually dressed like regular modern day people. Ren faires are for everyone, and most people don’t own period costumes. It’s usually encouraged for guests to dress up, but it absolutely is not required.
There are some that do themed “Time Traveler” days where guests are encouraged to dress up in steampunk and sci fi costumes. I love going on those days, you always see tons of Trekkies, Whovians, and Jedi running around.
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You’ve clearly never been to one…
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This would also work with Stargate
A Foundation MTF exploring a temporal anomaly would also work, though I think less people would understand.
This is gold
This is why you have Time Traveler weekends.
No Back To The Future? Baww
I see a Klingon in the back
Nah … that’s just your average medieval peasant
Hah, this is at the ren fest that goes on in my town.
I’ve never been to a ren fair in my life but I can feel it in my bones that this is one of those eyeroll inducing things where a million of people have done it but they all think they’re the first.
Same probably goes for Doctor Who.