This is only the first update for today. It includes mostly bug fixes but a few visual features as well:
- Subscribe button now updates after subscribe/unsubscribe
- More adjustments to font size. Trying to get this right sorry…
- Keyboards should ALL use the correct theme
- Actions sheets also should ALL use the correct theme
- Comments rework:
- Should fix ALL issues where the profile feed would show duplicate comments
- Should fix ALL issues where the inbox showed duplicate comments
- Should fix ALL issues where pressing a comment in either of the above might take you to the wrong spot
- Should fix ALL issues where replies don’t show up
- Note this is a big change in the logic, so if you run into issues please let me know ASAP so I can resolve them.
- Dracula theme and Dracula purple theme added. Thanks to Sean for this as well as for his color additions.
- Other themes should be much better now, sorry for the dark mode update from yesterday. On that note, I’ll get a REAL OLED theme written up.
- Also on the theme note, I will be creating a theme.readme as well as a post on /c/ about how you can contribute your own themes to the project.
- Landing page looks much better now, thanks to I hope he continues to support the project and make some great changes for you guys. Sorry, I am not generally a frontend developer and as such don’t have the touch for design like some of these amazing people do.
- Thanks to Sean again for working on these themes. He went through and made the necessary changes to let the community do their own theming.
The update coming next will include many features. Like I told you yesterday, you’ll be in for a treat. I’ll see you guys in that update. Until then, happy scrolling!
My profile page shows a message that the community couldn’t be found. That’s supposed to be there right?
Let me look at why that might be happening. Sorry about that!
No problem. Let me know if you need additional information.
When I tap on another person’s username it’s just pulling up my profile instead of theirs, just making a note of it. :)
Yea, not yet integrated. Coming in next update 💪
Awesome, every update keeps getting better :)
Yup! Same here!
Just want to say thanks for dracula. I’m unreasonably attached to having it in all the things and my brain is already much happier
I like the Dracula theme! I’ve received a comment reply, but the notification won’t go away. Thanks for the updates.
You mean in the inbox? This will be resolved in the next update or two. Working on overhauling the inbox screen.
Yes on the inbox.
Here’s two suggestions I have for the app:
Have a way to create a new post with a “+” icon between Profile and search on the bottom of the app.
While reading comments have a button that you press that takes you to the start of a new comment thread.
Is there a patreon or any additional way to support this development?
You can buy Gavin a coffee via the project github page ☕️
I can’t find a way to remove an account from the app. I’d expect it on the Mage accounts page or the page for the account under that.
Will be in next update. Just finished working on it.
Updated: It works! Thanks:)
Super low priority but curious, would different icon colours be considered in a newer versions? Love the new Dracula theme!
Quick ine, Mark as read in the inbox isn’t working as intended. Item is not marked as read.
Work in progress, going to make this a swipe gesture like iOS mail.
Now all we need is a memmy android .apk for the technologically challenged amongst us lol
You are smashing it - app is honestly great!
Thanks so much for all your work and for keeping us in the loop. It’s a great app.
Hey loving the app so far but the ability to remove accounts/change main account would be greatly appreciated :)
Coming in mere hours.
Can you do something against the wrong language bug? It’s frustrating that I can’t comment on some posts.
Yea I’ll resolve it in the next update. I’m going to actually offer the selection so that it wont be an issue for anyone. Sorry…
Man, don’t apologise.
Your job is freaking awesome. At the end of the week one of my most used app will die and I was sad at the beginning of June.
Now I’m sitting here, found a new community and I was kind of sad, that there isn’t a way to experience the community like I did with Apollo.
And then I found Memmy. And the awesome job, the dedication.
Take your time off, relax if you need. Your doing a fantastic job and the experience is awesome!
As fascinating as it is to watch this rate of progress, please don’t forget to sleep and eat and hydrate. I’d hate to see someone as good as you burn out. I’d rather see this project go a bit slower and take its time than see it come to a screeching halt at one point. Seen it happen before.
Hey, any updates on the android build?