One of my siblings is going to school once a week, I think lockdowns definitely fried some brains.

  • TheModerateTankie [any]
    1 year ago

    The lockdowns caused a lot of stress, with people being put out of work and all sorts of shit we didn’t deal with in a good way. All public help was temporary and never guaranteed in the first place. Rich people got a lot of free money in forgiven loans, though, so… cool?

    Anywhere form 1-2 million people in the US died, 1 million are officially covid plus another million or so excess deaths, and several more million were disabled or got hit with severe long term health issues. Do you think having something like that happen to a caregiver would improve or hurt academic performance?

    This includes a lot of teachers, as people who work with the public were hit pretty hard. Basically everyone who works a public job has been pushed to do more with less across the board, because there has been less workers to go around. If the bosses think they can get away with less workers they’ll work you more until things start failing. “Aw shucks, it’s a shame you have to do the job of three people, but nobody wants to work anymore. :(” This might be a bigger problem with GOP dominated states because they actually want public schools to fail.

    Covid also causes brain damage and we are mass exposing kids to it, who then expose their families to it, thinking it’s NBD because it’s relatively rare for them to die from it. Who cares, whatever, it’s just a cold. What would mass brain damage in kids look like anyway? Behavior problems? Memory problems? Impossible to say. What even is brain damage, anyway? They probably just need some tough love.

    Also, If you look at the stats, some states did better than others, it doesn’t necessarily show the lockdowns themselves caused all the problems. IIRC, Florida was doing worse than California in terms academic scores, even though Florida ended the lockdowns ASAP. California scores improved slightly during lockdowns. Every state had to scramble and had to figure something out with little guidance and some of them did poorly.