Important insight into the liberal mind. They literally believe that Capitalism is just what you get when there’s no rules at all (ie. True Freedom™) and Communism is when there’s rules and government and shit.
Unfortunately the idea that capitalism is made-up isn’t new. It’s something libertarians say. To them, socialists made up capitalism to couch their own political ideology. If the modern world is based on human nature, if economic laws are eternal and automatic, then there is no “ism”, it’s just what must happen, and therefore anything else (like socialism) is false and contrived.
lmao, this is exactly the same as when American Christian fundamentalists argue that Christianity isn’t a religion but all the other religions are
WHAT lmao I havent seen that one either.
In footnote 34 of Capital vol 1 Marx quotes himself in this passage from The Poverty of Philosophy:
“Economists have a singular method of procedure. There are only two kinds of institutions for them, artificial and natural. The institutions of feudalism are artificial institutions, those of the bourgeoisie are natural institutions. In this, they resemble the theologians, who likewise establish two kinds of religion. Every religion which is not theirs is an invention of men, while their own is an emanation from God. When the economists say that present-day relations – the relations of bourgeois production – are natural, they imply that these are the relations in which wealth is created and productive forces developed in conformity with the laws of nature. These relations therefore are themselves natural laws independent of the influence of time. They are eternal laws which must always govern society. Thus, there has been history, but there is no longer any. There has been history, since there were the institutions of feudalism, and in these institutions of feudalism we find quite different relations of production from those of bourgeois society, which the economists try to pass off as natural and as such, eternal.”
It is amazing how many current debates this Marx guy was able to anticipate.
Maybe he was on to something right??
It was something about how atheism, science and other religions are beliefs but Christianity isn’t because it’s the truth or whatever the twisted logic pretzel was
Grew up in the Evangelical church - the way they always explained it to us is that it’s not a religion (which is a dogmatic set of beliefs that one only obey because they are told to), but rather it’s a personal relationship with Jesus, and you do the things he tells you to do only because you love him so much.
It also opens the door for some weird loopholes for dealing with apostates, since if you stop doing the things they tell you to, you must not truly have loved Jesus to begin with.
It really feels like they’ve honed the edge of the mind virus extra razor-sharp. Lots of wacky thought-terminating logic structures, kinda cool if it weren’t so devious.
That thing about apostates actually reminds me of how CS treats it when faith healing fails. “They didnt really believe the truth” victim blamey nonesense.
Of course my mom, when i brought that up to her (well before i left the religion, just a brief burst of rebelion because i was studying it for a school project) she said that if that was my takeaway i “didnt really get it” so what do i know
(The woman was an abuser she loved the gaslighty part and wiedled it against me constantly lol)
Centrist liberals excels at this at well. How often have you heard drivel like “ideologies are bad!” or “we just listen to the experts!”?
Media bias sites that treat centrism as neutrality.
amazing! all the encoding of communication, with none of that pesky ‘meaning’
I am quite certain that the vacuum of space is thoroughly permeated by various fields and filled with unfathomable numbers of short lived virtual particles. I am pretty sure it has been experimentally shown that the vacuum can exert a force, entirely on its own? It is for these reasons that I am against the vacuum of space!
Capitalism is a strawman is the ultimate evolution of reddit brain.
We must counter it with “communism is whataboutism”
Is this bot coded into the site? It’s so fast to react to whataboutism
Whataboutism? What about deez nuts?
deleted by creator
It’s like saying you’re against the vacuum of space…
Hows’about’ya step into this here airlock…
“You think you can beat me.” Smug smile widens. “Do you even think that’s air you’re breathing?”
Even aside from the capitalism nonsense, wtf is going on in this guy’s head?
So you can’t be against the absence of for example justice, because that’s the exact same as saying you’re against freezing temperatures or darkness, since they’re all the absence of something?
wtf is going on in this guy’s head?
“I’m so frickin smart dude holy shit”
also you obviously can think it’s too cold and dark
Combo of
and this
There were literally major strikes this year caused by the absence of good working conditions.
I am against the vacuum of space
Fuck you I hate space! Fight me!
bruh what
Liberals obviously have no grasp of reality, but libertarians and ancaps take it to an entirely different level lol
So many words just to say “capitalism is a spook.”
real capitalism has never been tried!!!
Technically true. The government always subsidized profit making ventures, whether by protecting merchant ships with a navy, or building roads, bridges, and canals.
that is capitalism, the state is a necessary part of enforcing capital’s power over the working class
Technically true
No, technically it isn’t