Just play Black Metal, they’re wearing corpse paint anyway
Under the first headline it shows that the sailors were using online platforms to share this tip. This reminds me of those viral messages of recharging your batteries in the microwave.
Only one explanation: The whales can access the internet
You’d think they’d just use Spotify then instead of hunting music boats
Have they considered befriending the whales, or at least bribing them?
Must be playing Metalcore, I’d pummel them too
Honestly we deserve it. Orcas are considered sapient and on par with human intelligence by many experts, and one could argue we’re colonizing them.
Its not colonization if you can’t change their hearts and minds. Shit, we can’t even communicate. This is more like war.
Highly relevant and highly recommend: https://youtu.be/DOWUHqDZjrA?si=Lf9Et_WycIcry6S9
GOOD reference
Split your lungs with blood and thunder!
Maybe they dislike the genre and while some swim away others might tackle the issue more hands on.
The point I’m trying to make is: Have Saylors tried Taylor Swift?
Gets orcas pumped and ready to thrash
deleted by creator
I heard that giving orcas torpedoes deters the attacks, maybe try that next?
I see an expert in YT saying that you can calm a Cougar with “pspspspsps”.
I think that someone is trying to kill me!