Holy rural urban divide Batman
Lol Lapland(sweden) as an urban region /s
I was wondering what the deal was with northern Sweden. Is there any substantial economic activity there? Maybe mining?
It’s a lot of mines, server halls, water power, wind farms, factories, refineries and a shitton of logging.
Not that any of the population sees a dime of that “GDP per capita”.
I would be very interested to a similar map with workers wages, it would be very illuminating
Idk i know people who work in retail there and earn a lot of money. Even more if youre a doctor for example. The gdp still doesnt reflect the income but theres a pretty big boost so the people wont just move to a warmer place. Also the sami people are usually the ones that get the worse jobs but thats a problem for another day.
Its funny how all of austria is doing good except burgenland.
H#ngary moment. Im saying this as a h#ngarian
I am surprised by the near border region of slovakia though.
Slovakia is a much better place than hungary
From an EU citiuzen for sure.
Never understand whats going in with orban.
Being a dictator/king is pretty profitable
France, Spain and Portugal into eastern yurop
Pictured: Blue banana
Irish colonisation wars of continental Europe, Swiss neutral as usual
How the hell did Saarland manage to come out green here? Would not have thought that.
It is cheap and this is purchasing power adjusted.