In the meantime, just over the border, thousands of Palestinian children remain trapped under the rubble and dying from disease, starvation, dehydration, and injuries.
The fucking grotesque asymmetry.
In the meantime, just over the border, thousands of Palestinian children remain trapped under the rubble and dying from disease, starvation, dehydration, and injuries.
The fucking grotesque asymmetry.
normal stuff, not a cult
Well atleast it’s not their sperm
I’m going to tell the next zionist I argue with to stop being such a “stick in the mud”
It’s a stand in for the crowd in the background. The CGI will be added in later.
I mean, its a memorial. But its also… there’s nobody there. It isn’t like the families of the deceased are holding a vigil. It isn’t as though they are doing a mass burial or making this a permanent graveyard. This is such a chinsey, vainglorious display of the dead. Its really creepy. Like nobody actually wanted to spend money on this stunt, so they outsourced the job to Kinkos.
To say nothing of the sheer volume of these people who were probably killed by Israeli helicopters
I’m not usually one for decorum but this entire thing looks like a bad youtube skit ca. 2012
You’d think they’d want to honour their dead loved ones with dignity, not this weird selfie photo-op stuff.