Like I’m sorry but this has nuggets of comedy gold in it. Parts of it totally have the skeleton of a funny copypasta that I could totally see some witty member of a site like this (not me lol) writing this as a meme.
Like “Dems put my family in a concentration camp. But I voted dem. They ignored my human rights as a LGBTQ person. But I voted Dem”
This is some cuck shit lol.
He also forgot “rise of antiasian hate” in the last few years which dems pump up steadily.
Jesus titty-fucking Christ, 140 characters was such a good idea.
If I were a billionaire I’d buy Twitter and make it 2 characters, so we can all collectively heal
🫢 😌
This reads like satire, I almost want to believe George Takei has been doing a bit for the past decade or so and is about to pull a massive “gotcha”
Imagine laying out all the times the democrats explicitly went against the people, against civil rights, against human rights, and then insisting that they must be voted for for “democracy.”
imagine thinking that the values of the democratic party are somehow magically different from the actions of the democratic party…
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why have a decent candidate when you can just activate your brainwashed masses to bully their friends and family over social media?
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It means working from within the Democratic party to make it better, even when it has betrayed its values.
What values?
I fought for redress for my community and have spent my life ensuring that America understood that we could not betray our Constitution in such a way ever again.
Constitution? That shit was talking about white men only and we’re really gonna lean on it?
fr Americans talk about their constitution like it’s a holy text, it’s embarrassing. If they’re gonna worship it to that standard then how about updating it? Or writing a new one that’s good?
it’s not even a good constitution it’s clearly written in a half assed way because they didn’t expect the country to last very long
Seriously. It’s been centuries, why can’t we just fuckin write a new one already? We can start by outlawing slavery
I genuinely think most American problems come from the fact the US constitution is stupid
like how most British political problems come from the public school system (schools rich people pay money to go to) and people with politics degrees being in politics. If Britain wanted to get back to being run by people capable of operating our political system we would replace every labour MP with a trade union official and every tory MP with someone currently in prison for racketeering
Because it’s a holy text. Just like the Bible can’t really be “updated” anymore because it’s been “completed” by scribes thousands of years ago. The constitution is complete. There is nothing more you can do to it, lest you dare blaspheme against Our Founding Fathers
It means working from within the Democratic party to make it better, even when it has betrayed its values.
Because liberals like using interpersonal violence in their metaphors for politics, how is this any different than staying in an abusive relationship because you think you can fix your partner? Like yeah, maybe you make some progress; maybe you might even have periods where you love each other, but after the 500th black eye, you might want to reconsider the relationship.
Everybody pretending like they live in a swing state. A handful of states and about 10% of the population are going to determine the president while the 90% of us scream into the void
I had some redditor with serious voter
tell me last cycle I had to vote for Biden despite living in a Dem stronghold because it would somehow make it harder for Trump to rig the election? Like if the election is rigged I’m just gonna vote for La Riva so I can sleep at night, thanks.
because it would somehow make it harder for Trump to rig the election
I think the logic there is “look at how many more votes Biden got, he clearly won” as if the nationwide vote count means literally anything.
you remember how they said Hillary won the popular vote and Trump apologised and made her president
And i also remember when Al Gore became president and didn’t invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Or maybe it was Kerry and continuation of both wars. Seriously USA politics is so interchangeable and repeatable that names and dates blurs as fuck.
Lol they don’t determine shit. 270 guys will determine the president, and they don’t even have to vote for their own party’s nominee.
The latest Hell of Presidents honestly did a great job of describing this same phenomenon, going from Lincoln to Arthur.
You had a guy who was constrained by the demands of the political moment (Free Real Estate) who managed to leverage that demand into genuine revolutionary change. And he was empowered by a groundswell of ideological supporters, zealous converts, and economic interests who simply clocked where the wind was blowing. But then the machinery of politics took over the show, the ideologues were jettisoned in favor of compromises, and the only thing political leadership cared about was the consolidation of additional powers.
Takei is a Native American living under the Garfield administration and staunchly asserting the need for strong abolitionist Republicans, when the party has long since abandoned abolition in favor of professionalizing the administrative state. He’s been subjected to a litany of abuses under his own guys, but all he can see is the Bloody Shirt of prior opposition groups. And he’s fucking old. All he can care about is the next administration, because at 86 years old he simply isn’t going to be around to see what 2028 or 2032 or 2040 has in store.
This is good advice though. I will use my vote for others and I will use it wisely. By not voting for supporters of genocide I will show the entire world that I personally don’t support genocide. This is the most important election of our time, make sure you tell the whole world that you oppose genocide by not voting for candidates that support genocide
The Democrat party’s values are taking bribes and cynical pork barrel politics.
Or Andrew Jackson who was basically an 18th century crypto bro
Reminder that “Stockholm syndrome” was invented because the police fucked up a hostage situation so badly that the hostages felt unsafe with the police and had to negotiate their own release with their captors who were behaving more rationally than the police.
idk what to call this, but it’s much worse than the event Stockholm syndrome is named for.
Malcolm X had a few choice terms for this shit
I’ll bite. Let’s say you 100% agree with this argument.
You can use this argument to make the case for Trump. This blade cuts both ways.
I really thought this was going to end up like W.E.B. Debois’s “Why I won’t vote”.
Stupid post. Basically, “Democrats have done nothing for me, but I’ll keep voting for them.”
A whipped dog won’t bite its master.
If you can’t stand them at their worst, you don’t deserve them at their best!
“Excuse me Joe, but your worst is genocide and your best is occasional wavering support for minimal workers rights while keeping the povicidal status quo.”
But being a liberal, being a progressive
Also being rich and have aligned material interests