So, I pre-purchased Phantom Liberty, it’s been a while since I played the game, should I wait for it to actually release and do a new playthrough from scratch with the expansion, or start a playthrough now to have a fresh fully built character to dive into the expansion stuff?
Opinions are solicited!
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I had the money chilling in my steam wallet from selling off extra collectibles, and I’m going to buy it eventually anyhow. I slept on the original game for way longer than I meant to because of all the shit talk, kinda wish I hadn’t done.
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I waited two years, paid less and played CP2077 (almost) bug free.
I don’t understand why people pre-order stuff with such a history.
I’ll be playing it on Steam Deck, so I’ll probably post about it on ! and/or ! and/or ! as well as here lol.
Shit, lol. Guess I’ll subscribe to them all
In the rush over from reddit, I guess people forgot how search works 🤣
I would wait and play through again once the expansion is released, it sounds like they are making wide-sweeping improvements to the base game as well.
Maybe I’ll finally do a throwing knife build that I never got around to. I love how versatile the game is. No two playthroughs have been the same.
They’re apparently reworking the perk system amongst many other improvements. There are some lists kicking around here somewhere. They read like my wishlist, I’m super psyched.
Every time I’ve played through I’ve ended up with a netrunner who goes off like a neutron bomb killing everyone in a three mile radius without stepping foot inside the mission zone. I’m beginning to think it’s me.
Contagion is so good. My only gripe with it is the bug where the ticking sound of the quickhack keeps playing even when you exit the quickhack view. It gets very annoying very fast. Otherwise, open up with contagion, finish the job with suicide and synapse burnout just for fun.
I like cyberpsycho too… It would be ready to go again as soon as the last one finally gets taken down.
Cyberpsycho is really good, but I like the passives that legendary Synapse Burnout (Defeating an enemy with any quickhack causes nearby enemies to panic) and Suicide (Causing an enemy to panic reduces the RAM cost of your next Ultimate quickhack by 2) provide. It allows for chain suicides in most cases.
Nice… I missed that trick.
Its just the strongest/more interesting way to play. Same problem as Skyrim’s stealth archer.
I deffo need to force myself to do something different this next playthrough. Still gonna romance Judy though… I wish Panam was fully romanceable… It’s like I end up in a poly relationship with two girlfriends and one is Ace, I can live with it but it could be so much better!
Last time I played I went crazy with mods, I think whatever I do it’s going to be back to vanilla.
I find it a little bit funny to pre-order a dlc for cyberpunk after seeing how it originally launched :p
But anyhow, yeah. I have been following the development and I’m pretty hyped. I think I’m gonna start a new save for it. I hope it will be worth it.Me too! What else am I going to do until VtM Bloodlines 2 comes out? 🤣
My god, I completely forgot about that game. I’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned tho :(
Edit: Preorders refunded for Bloodlines 2, the long-awaited sequel to a classic vampire game at the very least it’s stuck in development hell :/Yeah well they’ve gone back to scratch like six times. Three different developers, two publishers, someday my grandchildren will play it for me, when my hands are too arthritic to hold a controller 🤣
HHAHAHAHAH yeah, and knowing Paradox it will probably release as a buggy mess. So we’ll have to wait even longer until they patch it 😔
Or it will have to be fan patched again lol
You are actively making the industry worse by preordering.
Thanks, love you too!
Is what it is! 🤷♂️
It’s not like I can undo it at this point.
Well you literally solicited our opinions.
I did, and I appreciate the feedback, as you can see by how I’m up voting you, and responding jovially unlike some douchebag.
Seriously stop preordering like an lunatic. You’re just enabling their bad practices by doing this.
The last time I pre-ordered something, it was Bioshock Infinite, and I got XCOM free, and XCOM turned out to be pretty good, one of my all time favourite games.
Sorry, why would you pre-purchase this? (Or anything)
Why not wait until reviews are out and then purchase it?
I kinda already answered that lol
Don’t pre-order.
I’d start fresh, so you can learn the new mechanics as you go.
It’s too late for me lol but hopefully not for someone else.
From what it sounds like, it seems like enough of an overhaul that I’d probably start a whole new playthrough. I’ll have to wait and see what reviews are like though. I bought the original game on sale after most of the issues were fixed. I’m not sure I trust CDPR to release something finished just yet.
Well yeah, but it will be finished eventually, most likely. And I’ll have it.
Oh ya, I’m sorry. I’m not judging you for pre-ordering. You do what makes you happy. I think I would probably start a new character though :)
Yeah, I think k I will do just that.
I’d never pre order a CD Projekt game/dlc after what happened with Cyberpunk at launch… And I’m speaking as someone who really enjoyed that game
How didn’t people learn! Never preorder! From any developer, wait for reviews first.