• “They” being the sources that the AI ingested to produce this output. AI is a word association machine, not a research tool. If people (“they”) call “tuning relative to A4=440Hz” “tune A to 440” AI will repeat it.

        I’m just saying, while the OP is technically correct, one wouldn’t apply the same requirements on conversation with a human, which AI is built on.

          • I understand, similar to “That’s what they say”, which is what I was idiomatically using “they” as in my original comment. I don’t really think it needs this much scrutiny.

    • @CuddlyCassowary@lemmy.world
      21 month ago

      I understand your point, but isn’t an orchestra ACTUALLY tuned to 440 (or 442 sometimes), because it’s usually a violin or oboe they’re tuning from? Like yeah, my bass isn’t going to be at 440, but the pitch I’m listening to while tuning is 440.

    • breaks.ʟᴏʟOP
      11 month ago

      Y’know, you’re definitely right. But if Copilot were really useful it could have explained that.