• breaks.ʟᴏʟOP
    3 months ago

    No, but it does tie in to my goals. It’s a gap in my arsenal that I have wanted fill for some time. But it is a lower tier priority instrument for me so good question. Probably on a the backburner in a few months?

      • breaks.ʟᴏʟOP
        3 months ago

        Depends on how loosely you define “play”. In terms of where I’ve put the most time definitely synthesizers, samplers and the studio itself (DAW) if you count that. I can get by on keys I guess and I’m probably at the point where I could play bass in a punk band.

        It’s a all relative really, if you play none and know nothing then I can play many, but if you’ve put decades into mastering your instrument then I’m just some amateur figuring it out as an adult in spare time that can’t really play anything.

        But I can make you a cool synth patch or come up with a good fx chain. I put more energy into learning sound design and synthesis than a specific instrument. But now that I can do that and know how to mangle a sample to hell and back I’m looking to incorporate some more physical elements.