A stark example of how digital footprints will be utilized in a post-Roe America

The article is from Aug 10, 2022 but remains relevant

  • JasSmith
    72 years ago

    It is not a different issue. It is an issue of basic human rights.

    I don’t believe it’s a basic human right to murder a late term foetus. That’s not a right enshrined in any UN convention or national constitution. That’s something you want.

    • Killakomodo
      2 years ago

      Yeah but your opinion is total shit and worthless … so who cares what you gotta say?

      awe seems I pissed off religious extremists how ever would I sleep at night after this, oh yeah just fine.

      • Pandantic
        42 years ago

        I mean, I’m pro-choice and I downvoted you because you would rather troll this person and add to the negativity than state your case. I downvoted them too, for the record.

        • Killakomodo
          2 years ago

          Why make a case to people who have no want to hear said case, have probably heard all the cases already and continue to want to control people? I am done talking to people that want to decide others lives and put them at risk, they don’t care about them so why should I care about the person trying to retain control?

          I am willing to explain myself to you, but you as stated do not intend to steal rights and you being pro choice already know all the reasons why I am against people taking others rights so I don’t have to explain it because it is falling either on ears that know or ears that don’t want to hear.

          I am sick off pretending malice is ignorance.

          I am just telling them to get lost as we should with all people that want to take others rights.

          • Pandantic
            32 years ago

            Thanks for your explanation. While I get what you’re saying, the way I see it, a counterpoint against a person who is clearly adamantly anti-choice isn’t about changing the mind of that person you are talking with but, rather, the person looking in and reading the discussion on this case about a hot-button issue. Their minds may be swayed by the tone and evidence from one side or the other. Of course, you can chose to conduct yourself online however you’d like. I just don’t think it furthers the pro-choice cause.

            • Killakomodo
              22 years ago

              I understand your reasoning and have practiced it before with minimal success, they do not want civil discussion nor do they care about rights or facts, they think you are a murder sympathizer and have no interest in listening to you because reasoning does not matter to them.

              IMO teaching people to have and improve the cognitive skills needed to determine facts and to find accurate information is more important in fighting things like this. Which basically mean better schooling, when you can have more of an impact on teaching good behaviors and skills.

              Sorry to tell you a comment on a website with all the facts in the world is unlikely to sway a lot of peoples minds on abortions rights when they could already look up all those facts and opinions. it is kinda hard to sway people set in an idea based on emotion when the facts are already out there and they don’t care.

              Also all of that is again assuming they are not malicious but just misguided, tbh I thing we tend to give a lot of leeway by saying “oh they are just ignorant” eventually ignorance turns to malice if you are unwilling to change it after being told multiple times.

              Most do not care to change or care about what helps people with no intent to change, rather just tell them to leave us alone and move on without the trash.

      • Kantiberl
        22 years ago

        You don’t have to be a religious extremist to think you’re being an arrogant dick.

        • Killakomodo
          2 years ago

          Don’t know why you are getting mad at me, I replied to a person against abortion, which I disagree with. Not you, who said it was a human right, which I agree with. So I do care about making sure abortion is legal, I don’t care to listen to the religious extremist horseshit ideals on why it should be illegal.

          I assume you just got the notification because it’s your post and assumed I was talking to you when I am not saying your opinion does not matter, just peoples opinion that want’s to take away human rights.

          • xuxebikoOP
            102 years ago

            I’m sorry. I completely misunderstood and assumed you were replying to me. I apologize and have deleted my misguided response.

            • Killakomodo
              2 years ago

              Oh stop, you had a misunderstanding, it’s fine, you did not offend me. Have a good day!!

    • xuxebikoOP
      172 years ago

      The human right to agency is every human beings right to consent over what happens to and in their body. Denying that right to a woman is against her basic & unalienable human right. Anyone denying a woman that basic right rejects women as human beings.

      Human rights are not subject to your belief system.

    • Aatube
      2 years ago

      Do any constitutions or UN conventions give you the right to use the internet? Shouldn’t this count as healthcare, for which there are at least 6 UN conventions? Don’t 13 states ban all forms of abortion including early, in which not even the heart has formed?

    • 520
      62 years ago

      What about the right to one’s own body?

      • @Saneless@lemmy.world
        82 years ago

        Voters in many states have decided that’s not a priority for them. They’re too busy whining about imaginary college level classes taught in grade schools

    • Pegatron
      22 years ago

      It was a right until a few hand picked Catholic activist judges, chosen by a Christian Dominionist think tank and corruptly paid off by billionaires, decided it wasn’t a right anymore.

      • xuxebikoOP
        12 years ago

        They need cheap child labour to keep their profits up. Won’t you think of the poor billionaires?

    • Reclipse
      12 years ago

      The chat that FB handed over:

      “Ya the 1 pill stops the hormones an rhen u gotta wait 24 HR 2 take the other,” read one of her messages.

      Celeste Burgess writes, “Remember we burn the evidence,” and later, “I will finally be able to wear jeans.”

      They faced charges of concealing a death and disposing of human remains illegally.

    • ladychelseaofthevoid
      12 years ago

      There is no such thing as a late term abortion. The fetus would be viable. No person seeking an abortion would wait seven to nine months, bullshit laws or no bullshit laws. An abortion is a termination of a pregnancy, not a fetus. Abortions are typically performed before the embryo even has a chance to develop into a fetus (10 weeks).