Self care? Chores? Try and fix every problem with your life before you have to go back in less than 24 hours to the job you hate?

    14 days ago

    What if you like your family more than your job? Hustle and bustle of the work/school week (even an enjoyable one) makes it incredibly hard for me to spend time with my family outside of weekends.

      13 days ago

      I’d be an awful person if I didn’t like my family more than my job. Yeah, I’d love a better split of work and home time, but it is what it is. I’m home by 5.30pm or earlier every weekday, so there’s evenings and weekends for family time, but we couldn’t do things if I didn’t have a job that pays well.

        2 days ago

        I like people in small snippets. A whole day with someone I deeply love and care about can be actual torture for me. But having a short snippet in the morning, and then 6 hours in the evening? Perfect for me.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      34 days ago

      You recognize that you can’t always get what you want, and focus on appreciating what you have, rather than what you cannot change.

        23 days ago

        And you evaluate the parts you don’t like, asking “is this somehow serving the parts I do like?”

        The job is meaningful if it allows your family to have a house.

        But if there’s another job that maybe sucks less but pays just as much, then maybe your current job isn’t so meaningful. It’s just meaningless pain.

        By doing this evaluation you get benefit on both sides of that outcome:

        • When something does serve the parts you like, it’s easier to bear
        • When something doesn’t serve the parts you like, it’s good to know so you can work on swapping it out with something that does