For me it is opening credits sequence in Nier Automata, Shadowlord’s castle in Nier Replicant and AI reveal in MGS2. All these three games are masterclass in storytelling.

    59 months ago

    Chrono Trigger. The Magus Fight. The music.

    FF6. Magitech Factory. Also music.

    Metal Gear Solid. Psycho Mantis. Late at night. Tired.

    Eternal Sonata. Last Fight. Intro line.

    Hades. Final boss. Extreme measures 4.

    NES Tetris. Crashing.

    • CityShrimp
      39 months ago

      For me, in Chrono Trigger, the most exciting moment was Frog splitting the rock with Masamune. I was shivering with excitement when I saw that.