1. Chainmail provides little to no protection against impact damage. As we saw in Fellowship, evil beings who attack heroes in bed use slashing attacks with broadswords or similar weapons. While it might prevent cuts, it’s basically like being beaten with an iron rod that will break bones and rupture organs. It is unsuitable as armor. That’s leaving aside weapons like maces, hammers, and clubs, or a Seal Team Six scenario.
    2. It’s aluminum. Or aluminium, if you’re that kind of person. This is basically a blanket designed by Jony Ive. It doesn’t warm. It doesn’t protect. But it’s thin and lightweight. Which is the opposite of what you want in a weighted blanket.
    3. You can buy weighted blankets that come in a variety of weights and warmth characteristics for a fraction of the time investment used to make this. The money you save could be used to buy a home security system that includes a minefield or electric fence. If you’re impressed by what a claymore sword can do to an orc, wait until you see what a claymore mine can do.
    • _NoName_
      17 months ago

      Claymore mines are terrifying. Most commonly, though, they are used in large open areas and may be problematic if your home is not rural.

      Claymores fire steel balls at a wide 60 degree angle. It’s stated that they are guaranteed a kill at 50 meters but can still be dangerous out past 150 meters.

      While claymores are often depicted as being laser or tripwire activated, they are most often activated using a clacker detonator held by an operator. They can be rigged to detonate via both electrical and mechanical means, so they can potentially be activated by a variety of methods.

      • I have an Army background (from a long fucking time ago). I was always amused by “Front Towards Enemy,” and we were trained to click three times.

        I still think the joke works though.

    • Neato
      17 months ago

      I know #1 is a joke but for everyone else in history that’s why people wore the aketon, or gambeson or padded/quilted tunic under mail. Provided impact protection and made mail more comfortable!