I’m looking for suggestions for electronic albums in any sub-genre that you think exemplify dedication to craft and careful consideration of detail in any aspect: production, sound design, composition, etc.

Here are examples of some artists that I think have consistently released music in this vein:

  • Daft Punk (on this list particularly due to everyone’s go-to for great production, Random Access Memories)
  • Tipper
  • Yosi Horikawa
  • The Flashbulb
  • Shpongle
  • Lusine
  • Eli & Fur
  • KOAN Sound
  • @segfault@waveform.socialOP
    21 year ago

    I’ve listened to Selected Ambient Works and Squarepusher’s Hard Normal Daddy in the past, both great! Have also listened to lots of Lisa Bella Donna. Have somehow never dived deep into Autechre before. Thanks for all the good recommendations!

    • cousteau
      11 year ago

      My pleasure! The other suggestions in the comments are excellent too, you’ll have a ton of music to explore here.