I’m a dad, so I have no time and all my gear is old. I want to start making music again, but I think I need to more or less start over in terms of gear and software.

I’d like to hear a bit just about what you all are using to make music.

Are we all using Macs and commercial software like Logic or Abelton? Anyone bravely trying to work things with Linux? Anyone kicking it old school and recording to tape? Anyone using light weight set ups like iPads or tiny Zoom recorders?

    • mrnomonikerOP
      2 years ago

      Do you still have those old commodore or Amiga songs? That sounds like fun.

      I had some early eat making fun with the sequencer in Mario Paint on the SNES, and trying to loop little recording in the native sound recorder apps on our parents Mac classics. We had some 4track projects in middle school, but I wasn’t the one who had the recorder, so my input was limited.

      Reason was definitely my music making software obsession. It’s still my favorite. I think it’s the way you can define all the patterns and then draw them in a timeline with the pencil tool. I love that hardware sequencer object. That just really jives with my mental visualization of song structures. I used a lot of logic and some Live later on. I got really into synthesis through Csound, and I’d often pull those files into reason or logic too.

      Do you feel the hardware is worth the expense? Or is it like owning a boat?

      • ianovic69
        2 years ago

        Definitely like owning a boat! Ableton Live is amazing. Getting from the loops stage to starting an arrangement is very easy. That’s the main thing for me. I got some hardware and looked at ways to record and ended up with a MBP and Live. Best thing ever.