What’s something low profile comrades say that communicate immediately that they know which side they fight for in the class struggle?

Example: if anyone in the wild speaks “material conditions”, or “bourgeois state”, out loud, I’m listening.

  • ghostOfRoux();
    69 months ago

    First, it looks like I’m gonna be listening to SoaD today lol. Second, I’ve actually been wanting to get a few custom pins made and have a friend that does graphic design. I have an idea for one with like a big rainbow and clouds but the clouds are big bubbly text that says “Stay woke, comrade.” The idea is sort of a on-the-nose way of making fun of the chuds that decry “woke culture” and such.

    • QueerCommie
      49 months ago

      I just happened to be listening to IEAIAIO rn, which is quite a coincidence as I’m shuffling my whole library. I thought of more ideas. You could get a Palestinian flag, a panafrican flag, or a black panthers symbol.

      • ghostOfRoux();
        39 months ago

        I’m listening to their whole discog from newest to oldest today. That’s my mini goal lol.

        I’ve been considering getting something for the Black Panthers but want to wait until I focus my reading on that subject. Palenstinian flag might be fun since it will piss off both dems and reps. You know what, maybe some purchase therapy might be in order today.

        • QueerCommie
          39 months ago

          SOAD is one of the only bands I do that with (listen to all their stuff in one go).