Hello, My Favorite Song of the Day is Loquat’s Shaky Like The Flu. It’s main progression is G, EbMAJ7, Bb, D7. I have been trying to understand this from the perspective of the Circle of Fourths and Fifths. After the initial G, I’d expect a C or a D, but they go to a EbMAJ7, which I think sounds lovely especially because of how the bassist emphasizes it; however, I don’t understand theoretically why these chords work. Are all of these chords in a particular key? Perhaps someone strong in music theory can offer insight. Thanks.

  • da trippaOP
    2 years ago

    This info. seems quite helpful. A revelation, in fact. I am going to look at the song from the perspective of G minor in order to see how it opens doors in a song that is in G major. I’m also going to consider how the relative majors and minors are used. Maybe today is the day I finally understand the Circle of 4th/5ths. Thank you!