
  • JokeDeity
    01 year ago

    I’ve found in the past 3-4 years, the most aggressively angry people who talk about NFTs with the most matter-of-fact tone seem to be the ones who really don’t know fuck all about what they are. Lol.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      11 year ago

      the most aggressively angry people who talk about NFTs with the most matter-of-fact tone seem to be the ones who really don’t know fuck all about what they are. Lol.

      When someone knows nothing about crypto they think it’s a bit weird. When someone knows a little about crypto they think it’s niche but maybe has potential. When someone knows a lot about crypto they recognize that it’s literally the dumbest dumb guy shit ever, has literally no practical uses, and is offensively absurd and wasteful.

      And NFTs are even dumber dumb guy shit, being extremely expensive fake receipts to literally nothing.