#1 Firefox Lover, Rarely Active, Ever Changing, #1 Tanuki Fan, Professional :3 User, Autism Haver, English Language Hater, Brazilian, Pop!_OS Linux user, FOSS fan, Developer for Sex2, Furry, Very Possible Boykisser, Reddit 196 refugee, Avarage 2014 Internet Randomness Enjoyer. Tumblr:@thanook

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • sorry for the delay

    go to ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hyfetch/distros/ and find yours. Open it on a text editor and replace the entire ascii part with this

    ${c1}   .;       .o    ccccl;       'd          d
      c         .c.  ,,   .,;,   'c           l
      o           ;:. o.      ,:;c            ;
      c            .k,,;.       ,.            ;
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       o    ,k...KXXXk       .XXXX,  ,;    ,:. 
    ;'.'d,  c.   NXXXO       .XXXX;   l  .:;..o
    'l..... l    0XXXl        0XXK    c     .c.
      ;;.   ,.   .co,  ,,.     ..     '   .:'  
       c, ',:'.                    .;c,.   :,  
      ,;    .        ;,,;;;,,;             ,c 
      ''.'',,,.                    .';;...'''. 
              .doc;...          .,:.           
                :,                ;c           
                 .k.               .l          
                .o'.                ,c         
                 .'d                 :.        
                  d                   l        
                 .d                   d    

    save it then do hyfetch -c, for this i used the default options :3