Ah, the classic Beerfest/Star Trek crossover gag.
Ah, the classic Beerfest/Star Trek crossover gag.
I dunno. I think you just prefer rounded aesthetics. IMO the Saturn just looks like an oversized CD player. Boring and no personality. The little ridges and whatnot on the PlayStation were just plain neat to me , and I greatly prefer boxy to rounded. It’s why the PS One was such a disappointment by comparison.
TBF Alan Moore has a negative view of the idea that anyone has ever read or enjoyed his work.
If a burger is going to break the glass, it’s either really bad glass or a really bad burger.
Open the box. Leave it out for a week. Crumble it up once it’s hard and stale. Put the bits in a bowl. Pour in some milk. Sprinkle some sugar and honey. You’ve made pizza cereal. Bonus points if you use chocolate milk.
Are there any that have a top knot or fauxhawk though? Asking for a friend.
The first one is mostly vibes. There’s not a ton of good story meat in it, and it’s pretty short. Book 2 really gets going though, and book 3 is just wild. Once you get to Wolves of the Calla, though, it’s really gonna test your patience.
Honey roasted wicker stools, sweet-and-sour paint chips, pulled rug sandwiches on cardboard printed to look like pretzel buns
Heckin’ Mega Man Legends 1&2.
Discovering the upper limits to what the human mind can retain and just constantly forgetting all the shit you used to find important.
Outlook not good
OP mistakenly thinks KMFDM stands for “Kill Mother Fuckin’ Depeche Mode”, which it certainly doesn’t.
They tried to focus on making it look and feel more realistic, but it honestly just looks more drab and is just dreary and humorless compared to 2.
For context, Game Pass subscription prices are increasing a bit, the console version’s base plan is going away, and new subscriptions have been declining a bit in the last several months.
Modern Warfare 3 (the new remake) is currently on Gamepass, and it comes with all the other chronically online stuff CoD has been running for years.
In other words, he’s not wrong. It’s a big popular thing, and will likely increase the value proposition of GamePass for some indefinite period of time.
The fish part of fish and chips. No thanks on the malt vinegar. Y’all can keep your dirty foot water away from my fishies thanks.
Imagine acting superior about a date format.
This is the first line I think of whenever anyone mentions this movie.
The entire industry composites final shots with Nuke. Every damn studio in VFX is training or has trained its compositirs to use CopyCat, the Foundry’s generative AI roto/paint tool. So like… this is a lie.