Trying to work towards my first album. I have two songs mostly completed and a few in various early phases. I am not much of a drummer so the DrumBrute Impact has been…instrumental in implementing some beats.
Cool setup, what synth is to the right of the Neutron?
Behringer Model D
I’ve been testing for on a really cool plugin for Ableton Push, giving it song mode.
This means my Push is now actually a standalone device :D
I never got into the MPC, push, or launchpad. How has it changed your workflow?
I am used to working on Ableton. I generally spend a lot less time on sound design when working standalone.
My projects in the DAW en up better definitely, but standalone I am having more fun and it feels a bit more explorative.
So I would say they serve different purposes. I am a hobbyist anyway so as long as I am enjoying myself I’m happy. I’m not that worried about workflow or productivity.
Upvote for that pun alone. Also, sick setup!
Thanks! One of these days I will figure out how to wrangle all of these cables. I hid them with the camera angle 😂
Is this for hardcore?
Nope. My style leans more towards synthwave.
Keep going! I’m working on 7 or 8 songs on guitar and drums, some early stages some almost done and recorded. Kinda like a psychedelic roots thing. Haven’t made an album since my early 20s so I’m just enjoying myself and using it as therapy.
Awesome! Music can be so therapeutic! My job has been stressful lately but spending all my free time with music has helped keep the balance. Ping me when your stuff gets released. I would like to hear it!
This album is from when I was about 20. Trip hop, guitar, and my poetry on top. Slightly embarrassing but holds a special place in my heart
I will check it out after work! Thanks for the link.
(: I’ll probably post my progress somewhere here on everything, perhaps that’d be interesting to see how it develops, and maybe as sort of a mindfulness practice for me during the process. More content, even if no one gives a F 🤷
The more the merrier. Plus we can’t all be rock stars but we can at least enjoy music for the sake of enjoying music, right?
Tbh, being a Rockstar sounds miserable lol. That may be cope, but I’m gonna stick to it. Music is soul food, and once it becomes a job it, maybe, loses its luster? I was pretty serious about original music as a job for a long time, almost got there, tours and stuff, but the whole thing wasn’t my jam yknow. I just love doing it, and if people end up enjoying then that’s just icing.
I’m looking forward to seeing the community grow and what else pops up around these parts!
My wife needs me to record some tracks for her summer theater camp for kids. I need to stsrt figuring out how to record my vocals in a way that I feel meets my standards I have for live performance. Also, I have those same PC speakers. I love them.
Vocals are the hardest. I am not looking forward to my own vocal tracks. Also, the speakers are awesome! Got them at Goodwill for $15 like 8 years ago. Best of luck with your recordings!
Right now there’s a growing stack of tracks that need vocals recorded and a couple of project revivals that need some last minute tweaking. And videos to make…blugh. COVID triggered an unusually long pause in my output, trying to crank it back up
I think COVID screwed with a lot of people’s habits, goals, and routines. At least you are making an effort! Getting things rolling is always the hardest.