It’s a fun one-shot :)
When you find that sweet spot between funny and serious… A character that is a single really bad joke but fleshed out so much that people don’t realise the joke until several sessions in… Ooh, that’s the good stuff.
I once spent an inordinate amount of time fleshing out a character who was low-key meant to be the dwarf equivalent of Indiana Jones. Used a chain whip, had a trademark hat and the first name of a well-known dwarven realm, was trained in history, etc.
In our first session, I rolled a crit fail on an athletics check and fell into a chasm full of magma. It was the equivalent of Indy getting smashed by the boulder because he tripped. I didn’t even get to pull out my character’s irrational fear of drakes.
I wish I could find it in me to enjoy running gag characters; but my issue is as soon as the bit runs fallow, so does my interest in the concept
You gotta live it. And make it progress. I also one time did Smokin Joe Rudeboy. If you do not know who that is, you are missing out. Try in in youtube and tell me this isn’t an epic concept for a character.
Oh my god that’s gold. Smokin’ Joe is just a wild west coded Bard with a couple d8’s of Fire damage to his Vicious Mockeries, I’m convinced
If I had time, I was going to get Continual flame rings on his middle finger. He was the king of Vicious mockery, Dissonant whispers, and used Healing Word to intimate dead people back to life NOW !
A Tom Cardy reference in the wild! I see you are a man of taste.
That sounds like it would be fun as hell to play.
When I saw that videoclip, I made it my duty to find a table to play him.
Plus I listened to Hot Shit right before an interview and got the job.
But lizard :(
I know, snitties, but it’s not funny ! I like funny
Also comes with his teamsong :
Wait, people play serious characters?