After reading through the repo README, I have no idea what it is.
Looks to me like they’re trying to build something like office 365, but open source. Mostly by wiring other open-source components together I think?
This is probably a better starting point, unfortunately the text is in German:
The goal is to allow a completely free and open-source deployment of an O365-like infrastructure in order to prevent being tethered to Microsoft, for example. The main use seems to be so that municipalities can set up something cheaply and quickly, without any licensing headaches.
After reading through the repo README, I have no idea what it is.
A much better overview (in German):
From that
openDesk auf Der openDesk integriert Open Source Anwendungen bekannter Anbieter zu einer browserbasierten Open Source Kollaborations-Suite.
Der openDesk ist ein digitaler Arbeitsplatz für die Öffentliche Verwaltung mit Fokus auf Digitale Souveränität, Nutzerfreundlichkeit und Zukunftsfähigkeit.
Das Open Source Softwareprodukt “openDesk” ermöglicht die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Open Source Quellcodes der Öffentlichen Verwaltung und gibt Raum zur Teilhabe an der Weiterentwicklung. Flexible Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten erlauben das Einbringen eigener Ideen, Anforderungen und Anwendungen.
Als Betriebsumgebung von openDesk kommt Kubernetes zum Einsatz. Die teilweise nicht originär für den Containerbetrieb ausgelegten Anwendungen werden dabei mehr und mehr für dieses Betriebsszenario optimiert.
translates to
The openDesk integrates open source software of known publishers to a combined open source collaboration suite.
The openDesk is a digital workstation for the civil/public service with focus on digital sovereignty, usability, and future proofness.
[…] offers opportunities for collaboration for continued development. […]
openDesk runs in a Kubernetes environment. The in part not originally developed to be containerized applications are and will be further optimized for that runtime scenario.
I’m not sure, but I think this is a FOSS, Selfhosted, O365 replacement-in-a-box. Well, helm chart.
Pretty cool IMO.
I’m having trouble with that too. It seems to be a kubernetes deployment using helm charts of all the services they would like to have in every commune (or wherever this will be federated).
I was expecting the definition of OS and software to use locally as well. But dunno… it reads like it’s written by bureaucrats.
Neither has the creator.
They tried something similar in Munich, i think, dropping M$ and going full Debian. A few years later they reversed that 'cos the lusers couldn’t handle it.
And because Microsoft moved their HQ to Munich
deleted by creator