This is Possum. I’m glad she lets me rub her belly because she’s so soft.
Yes! My cat Ella will sit on your hand so you can smoosh her gooshy belly. Its great.
Love this picture! She looks so fluffy :)
I would call that her side, not her belly. :P
Both of mine love chest rubs. One will tolerate a short belly rub in the right mood, the other takes it as time to play!! without fail.
I think that is ragdoll thing. My ragdoll always begs for belly rubs when I leave the room. But does not sit on a lap. She likes being around people but not on people :D
Hahahaha my cat does exactly the same. Never sits on lap but puts his head over my lower leg when I lay.
All ragdolls are the same :D
I saw this post as I’m rubbing my cat’s belly, lol.
Beautiful kitty, love her coat! Is she a mix of Siamese and something?
I’m not sure of her breed. My sister found her on the side of the road when she was only a few weeks old.
I always guessed she was a snowshoe, which is a Siamese mix breed. Her pattern is near identical to what comes up googling “snowshoe cat”. But I can’t be certain.
Thanks, was just curious! Shes really beautiful
Yes! My big boy cat flops down and demands them.
I had a calico who would do the same! It took years but eventually she went from being stand-offish to demanding them.
Both my Bombay cats are like this. I tell people that I got dog software running on cat hardware because they also like to fetch and chew sticks.