Like 10 seconds away from her in First Contact and he’s down there with a Tommy Gun blazing away.
My greatest apologies, but I have had to downvote your comment due to the unauthorized promotion of illegal content such as firearms. Ergo, I recommend you do not promote firearms in the future unless you are authorized to own one per se, and that it is permitted in the subreddit. If you write an apology as an edit in your post, then I will retaliate and remove the downvote
…and that it is permitted in the subreddit.
Dude, where do you think you are right now?
I love the Voyager feature that marks accounts under 30 days old so you can easily spot trolls and ignore them.
*sublemmy My bad, you can remove the downdoot now
Caring about downvotes? You’re still in reddit mode dude…
Um yeah, they are degrading to my image. I have to keep a good profile
This dude is just a troll with a day old account and negative karma. One more for the blocklist.
What do you think about the Isreal Palestine conflict and the ongoing genocide?
Keep going, maybe you’ll get it right eventually.
This isn’t Reddit. Don’t make comments like that.
Ergo, reddit promotes illegal activity I take it? 🤔🤔
Your comment was dumb.Ergo, vis-a-vis, cogito ergo sunt, per se. Exempli gratia, id est, quod erat demonstratum. Errare humanum est, carpe diem et requiescat in pace. In vinum veritas, semper fidelis, et pluribus unum.
I cast you away demon, with my fancy latin words.
Edgy, using tragedy for a joke. Bet the other 11th graders think you’re pretty funny.
You think this is a joke??
Sorry. I meant 8th graders.
I can’t tell if troll or not. Good job.
“She is here for your protection”
“I’m not stuck here with her. She’s stuck here with me!”
Hot take - the Consoler is just the Federation’s Political Officer.
Space communists need their space commissars… no rank, they exist parallel to the military structure as a bullwork against wrong think.
Yeah, I’d put the empathic mediator on the bridge too. Seems like it would give a massive advantage all the time.
The Mad Man strategy
Honestly, I never understood why a counselor would be on that spot. A linguist? Why not. Historian? Absolutely biologist/chemist? Understandable. Counselor? Nah-uh
I think there’s a lot of value in quickly profiling enemies and anyone else you deal with.
Yeah. She’s an empath that can size up the adversary over a FaceTime call. Pretty awesome advantage!
One would think that it is important for a ship’s counselor to remain pretty detached from the day-to-day decision-making of the crew. That it would be a very bad idea for the counselor to be regularly fraternizing with what are basically her patients.
I wonder how this works in, for example, the Navy.
Same goes for doctors and such, seems a bit awkward for the enterprise crew to be friends with their doctor. Imagine having a drink with your gynecologist, or in case of riker, someone who most likely has treated him for at least one alien VD.
Or just the more general awkwardness of having your therapist and doctor around all the time, always aware of your lifestyle. Like, getting scolded by Beverly for your shitty eating habits during checkup and then she runs into you in 10 forward while you are trying to inhale a piece of cake.
Well, they’re all basically locked in a submarine, but way worse. You’re in a sealed box hurtling through space. You need a doctor on board, and you need a counselor on board. If you don’t want both of them to go completely insane, both of them also need friends and social interaction.
While I agree that Starfleet levels of general fraternization are a lot looser than in modern military, I also think it’s just kind of something you learn to live with when you serve on a ship.
I think we’re, at least, led to believe that Starfleet officers are better adjusted than your average early 21st century human. For example, we don’t see a lot of gossip behind Riker’s back about how he gets around, but you very probably would today.
It may still not be ideal, but I think it would be less problematic than it would be for us.
i’ve never served in the Navy or even been on board ship, but fraternization between officers and enlisted in all services is pretty strictly forbidden… and counselors and therapists would probably be officers in most cases… but casual socialization is normally totally off limits… simple reason being, officers have to order enlisted people into danger, so there can’t be appearance of favorites…
fraternization among the officers is normal, though and has been part of life aboard ships forever
She’s psychic though.
Once upon a time this was a subject that came up on the bridges of Navy ships.
like a kettle of some hot liquid, ready to boil
Troi ends up stuck on the surface of Earth, and Picard ends up breaking his little ships?
That checks out.
Literal “HOLD ME BACK” energy.
Starfleet’s top therapist when she loses emotion reading and actually has to do therapy: “Oh god, oh fuck.”