how the fuck did they get to mexico
Them tunnels run deep
Fuck the dwarves of Moria, these are the real motherfuckers
The cartels pledged allegiance to Hamas and pivoted to Islamic jihad instead of trafficking meth
Mexico has lower standards for who it lets in because brown.
I can barely comprehend the sheer stupidity, xenophobia, and warmongering bloodlust that went into that statement. Maybe it’s just a recency bias or because I’m way too tuned in this time, but it feels like the news and every political institution has gone off the rails beyond anything I’ve seen before. Even more so than they did for the war in Ukraine and the 2020/2016 elections. Was it really this bad in the post-9/11 US as well?
I can’t speak too much to this since I was young, but I can say with certainty this talking point - terrorists coming over the border hiding among undocumented immigrants to set up terrorist cells in the us in preparation for 9/11 2 - was extremely prevalent. I was in middle school and even the kids were repeating this shit (which they had either heard from South Park or their parents)
As others said elsewhere, the bloodlust post 9/11 is still unmatched
EVERYONE wanted heads to roll, and there was no organized pushback on it whatsoever
Nah 2001 was worse. It’s very bad in some places but not as bad since it’s bad in pockets of different opinions. A lot of people also aren’t falling for it since they remember 01. It’s not a majority but a big chunk.
I think 2001 was worse only because the attack happened on US soil, the only place where the imperial core feels safe, and where they think their imperial violence won’t hurt them, ever.
A lot of people also aren’t falling for it since they remember 01
I’m sure a lot of people can see that, but it’s also kinda ironic how people who weren’t even old enough to truly remember post-9/11 are far more on the right side of history on this lol
Like I’m 20, no one my age was even born on 9/11 and yet it definitely seems like the majority of people my age support Palestine, and actively supporting Israel almost seems fringe. Meanwhile most 30-35+ year old Americans who should be seeing the parallels seem like proud zionists
From the poll that I saw support for Israel in the US among people under 34 was like 25%. From 35-45 (I think that was the range) it was like 44%. It was almost 90 for above 65, and something in between for other age groups. I can’t seem to find the poll now.
I only found one poll measuring 18-24 year olds (Harvard-Harris) and they phrased the questions in a really manipulative way; like you can immediately infer support for Israel would be lower if they didn’t force you to pick between “Israel” and “Hamas” (and when you don’t even have a “no answer” option, people who are generally pro-Palestine but don’t want to openly side with Hamas will just… not answer). And yet pretty surprisingly, half of 18-24 yos sided with Hamas?
All this poll tells me is gen z is relatively based and millennials are also a bit more based than I assumed
I haven’t heard this many people talk with complete sincerity about carpet bombing the Middle East since 2011
Death to America
Hamas agents escaping the strip and carefully making their way across the world to attack San Diego
you’d have to respect the hustle
Man “hamas” have been making like a dozen bomb threats a day here in Germany. Ridiculously busy these fellas two weeks after the al-aqsa flood.
“Yeeeaah, sorry boss. Hezbollah just blew up my car and Hamas paraglided onto the train tracks and derailed everything. No Uber is available either due to the drivers having Havana Syndrome. I can’t come in today.”
fighting the urge to bulk buy keffiyehs to hand out to the unhoused and the day laborers outside the big box hardware stores, it’s a funny idea, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt by
Steven Seagal’s Book “Way of the Shadow Wolves” | Chapo Trap House
anybody remember this from 2017, the plot was basically Arab militants nonsensically teaming up with Mexican cartels
Makes perfect sense to me. At least as sensible as the 2012 remake of Red Dawn where Cuba and N.Korea team up to invade Spokane, Washington.
I mean, it doesn’t sound that different from most of your Tom Clancy / operator / CIA Jim / NCIS TV shows and movies that have come out over the last 20 years.
the next move is to tell us that doing weed drugs is financing Hamas/Hebollah to buy a Chinese robot that beheads white babies, 10,000 at a time.
still think smoking phat doinks is cool? checkmate, terrorists.
Anyone else remember back in like 2016 or 2017 I know it was during Trump they claimed some migrants were terrorists because of blankets?
Need :sicko-hamas:
Rooting for ya g
Please Hamas, I invite yo to kidnap me.
You would probably get more affordable and better healthcare with Hamas than in the US.