- Piped alternative: https://piped.video/watch?v=mPuP1L7vnr0
- Direct link to the product page: https://texelec.com/product/cx16-preorder/
It’s interesting that Dave mentioned education as a possible market for these. I thought kids were learning Javascript on their school-issued Chromebooks these days. It would be nice to teach students about the concepts of computer hardware architecture… but the Commander’s architecture is kinda weird, being a hodgepodge of ancient (6502) and modern (FPGA), with bank-switched memory and the desire for backwards compatibility with Commodore peripherals hanging off of it like a lamprey. Sure, students could learn about computer architecture on it, but it’s hard to see how it’s better than other, cheaper options. Big money awaits if they can pull it off though.
He’s got classic boomer brain about this: computers were good back in the day and now computers are just too powerful to do anything useful
Or maybe there are people who find working in low powered environments that behave a certain way, more like computers did in the 80s enjoyable.
It’s not about boomers or what’s powerful and what’s not. Some things are just for fun and that’s all the justification they need IMO.
Though I really like the concept of building a new device which incorporates the inherent ease of programmability of the computers of yore, I think the 6502 is just too weird and limited for doing so. For example, in order to cram a halfway decent amount of memory into the thing they had to resort to bank switching. At the least they should’ve gone with a 65816 (apparently they tried but they initially had some problems with the '816 address bus multiplexing).
Also, how would that ‘weirdness’ impact using the device in a teaching context?
People would learn bad habits.
For example, due to parameter passing often being done via the zero page, recursion is unnecessarily hard on the 6502, whereas one could argue that recursion is one of the major skills to master for any programmer.
A non-recursive recursive descent parser isn’t any easier to reason about.
One could, but I would argue that this idea pre-supposed a very ascetic class of programmer, and that depending on one’s goals in learning how to program, recursion can be a useful concept but saying it should be the one litmus test for any learning platforms seems highly questionable to me.
They learn how to program in a more efficient way that makes better use of limited memory and CPU cycles. Which frankly is something modern programmers and game designers could very much benefit from considering how bloated and unoptimized much of modern software is, probably because they didn’t need to think about whether computers can actually run it.
What would you like to see instead? Z80? Something else?
There’s plenty of choices. If you want that retro vibe go for a 68k, if you want something neat but obscure (and are willing to use an FPGA) choose the pdp-11, if you want to go with the flow then use risc-v.
But please pick something that’s not actively fighting modern (that is, not 1970’s) programming techniques.
Are there any off the shelf available 68K based computers these days? I wasn’t aware of one but that would be cool :)
AMIGA 2023!!! :)
Isn’t educational use the whole point of Raspberry Pi? It seems like that has way more opportunity for it with a modern architecture, ready-made robotics kits, and other maker-type applications that could get kids excited about electronics and programming.
Death to America