I am obligated to inform that some adjustments to the rules have been made.
Kill 80 million people
Really? What game do you think this is, 4D chess? Clearly, you’ve got the brain capacity of a pawn. Must be completely lost to think you can just play anything you fancy. You’re genuinely the worst; I’ve seen more strategy from a toddler with checkers. Utterly pathetic.
2 of Clubs
En Passant!
Holy hell
I am obligated to inform that some adjustments to the rules have been made.
It’s not enough to say that the rules change, how do they change? Am I allowed to eat maoam now?
Really? What game do you think this is, 4D chess? Clearly, you’ve got the brain capacity of a pawn. Must be completely lost to think you can just play anything you fancy. You’re genuinely the worst; I’ve seen more strategy from a toddler with checkers. Utterly pathetic.
I am debating whether i should announce rules a single time and then never or uphold the main rule to never discuss the rule.
Here is what changed:
- People are free to consume including maoam but it has no effect on the state of the game.
- Last valid card does no longer need to be mentioned at the end of session.
- A known rule has been re-added to the game, something you should take in mind when making top level comments that are not an attempt at playing.
Now that I’m apparently allowed to eat maoam, I have to confess something: I haven’t eaten them in years and I don’t intent to change that anytime soon. I ate them as a kid and wouldn’t even know where to buy them now. Is it even a thing anymore? Anyway you can’t force me just because I’m playing mao! There isn’t even an etymological connection between these two! Pathetic!
❌ What is that, a card for ants?
Six of Diamonds
That one is fake.