It’s kinda fun watching liberals realize that Bolsheviks aren’t leftists
i hope i die before i have to talk to a liberal ever again, these people are complete dipshits
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There were zero examples of hate speech given.
The funny thing about the iron curtain is that NATO started it and pretended in hindsight it was the USSR’s idea. Churchill gave his “iron curtain” speech in 1946. Stalin replied to it.
Question: How do you appraise Mr. Churchill’s latest speech in the United States of America?
Answer: I appraise it as a dangerous act, calculated to sow the seeds of dissension among the Allied States and impede their collaboration.
Question: Can it be considered that Mr. Churchill’s speech is prejudicial to the cause of peace and security?
Answer: Yes, unquestionably. As a matter of fact, Mr. Churchill now takes the stand of the warmongers, and in this Mr. Churchill is not alone. He has friends not only in Britain but in the United States of America as well.
[. . .] later in the interview
Mr. Churchill would like Poland to be administered by Sosnkowski and Anders, Yugoslavia by Mikhailovich and Pavelich, Rumania by Prince Stirbey and Radescu, Hungary and Austria by some King of the House of Hapsburg, and so on. Mr. Churchill wants to assure us that these gentlemen from the Fascist backyard can ensure true democracy. Such is the “democracy” of Mr. Churchill.
NATO formed 6 years before the warsaw pact in 1949. They rejected the USSR joining NATO for collective security in 1954. They let West Germany in 1955 only 10 years after the holocaust, when chancellor Adenauer laughably declared that denazification was complete. The US was already couping countries for being too close to the USSR or trying to develop independently of the imperial core as early as 1953 (Mossadegh) and 1954 (Arbenz).
There you have it. Who is really responsible for the erection of the so-called “iron curtain?” Who is really responsible for the divisions that caused the cold war?
not the USSR, and not stalin
Funnily enough I already had a filter for anyone from World. They tend to be very hateful, ignorant people in comparison to y’all
But the SS aren’t really nazis, its the lemmygrad users who are the real nazis
Hate speech is when you criticize Israeli colonialism and genocide according to Lemmy dot world.
They are aware that the majority of the world recognises the state of Palestine, right? The world is not Europe and the USA. Very ironic instance name.
“the world”
Yeah that’s what the absolute clowns on there actually think.
An incredibly concentrated dose of stupidity in that thread. It’s amazing. I don’t even get what the point of being off Reddit is for those losers, they have the same critical thinking skills as the average redditor.
Truly. Imagine having a brain that works like this.
Please, please someone ask them what hate speech is.
it’s when you say landlords should get the wall and the more you say it the more hate speechier it is. it’s people of land, thank you.
Adults in the room.
Their absolute refusal to provide examples of “hate speech” really betrays that they don’t want to admit what they consider to be hate speech because they know people will find it fucking silly, which it is.
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What hatespeech? Every time I’ve been to lemmgrad it’s been based. What are they posting hatespeech about?
Not braying for the genocide of Palestinians right now is considered hate speech by these libs
we always knew that their ‘love’ for xinjiang muslims was bullshit. they bray for the genocide of muslims everywhere, but suddenly xinjiang is an exception?
The lib response to that is
Two things can be wrong at the same time, you’re just a tankie brainwashed by Xi and Putler, or you’re a wumao bot, because I can’t comprehend real people disagree with me
If you saw the modlog on you’d see where the real hate speech is coming from. Some of that shit makes me lose faith in humanity.
In the case of .world it seems the antisemitism is coming from inside the house.
(The link that got removed is to a picture claiming the porn industry is a Jewish plot.)
We’ve got Hexbear and that’s all that matters ❤️
We stand in solidarity
Long live Hexgrad ✊✊✊✊
or Lemmybear
this is the one
love our comrades on the 'grad
Some absolutely massive brains posting in that thread.
“Totalitarian” is arguably the most meaningless word, ever. Also, imagine being haunted by the specter of a country that hasn’t existed since probably before you were born. Oh no! The big bad soviets are going to rise from the grave and steeeeeal yooooour graaaaaaain!
All political economies are totalitarian, save those in a state of upheaval. The fact they dont see capitalism as all encompassing and forcing a person to conform to it every second of the day is incredible.
State sponsored troll farms which existed for more than a year before these dipshits even heard of this platform.
Communism is when first world crackers make up utopias in their heads and then do nothing except criticize non-white countries
the soviet union and china weren’t communist. I also don’t like scary angry communists like various independence movements around the world, they look like the people they call “terrorists” on the news. when I say I’m a communist I mean I want to have a nice real communist country like Sweden, where they have a semi-functional healthcare system and communist parties get 0.5% of the vote and the party that wants to make being a foreigner illegal gets 57.5%
hate speech against what?
hate speech against WHAT, motherfucker?
Saying “genocide is bad” is hate speech against fascists.
Actually, it’s only genocide when it’s not done by
Otherwise it’s just sparkling ethnic cleansing.
Are the tankies in the room with us now?