This meme is from 2004. History repeats itself.
It isn’t anti-Semitism to criticize israel, it’s just noticing the obvious.
There are criticisms that are antisemitic. This isn’t one of them, though.
Dafuq is this meme? civilians are civilians, regardless of the country religion or whatever the duck they’re born in.
If civilians are civilians…
"Amongst Israelis, 69% of those killed were civilians and 31% members of the IDF. The number of Israeli civilians killed, from attacks by Palestinian armed groups or individuals, has declined steadily, peaking in 2002 at an average of 22 deaths per month, and dropping markedly to an average of one civilian per month in 2007. 6/
In contrast to Israeli figures, however, Palestinian civilian fatalities have remained high. Palestinian civilians, killed by Israeli security forces, peaked with an average of 35 deaths per month in 2002, and again in 2004. In 2007 they dropped slightly to an average of ten civilian deaths per month."
Both sides kill civilians with abandon, and Israel is markedly better at it. Major media doesn’t seem to care very much about Palestinian civilians though.
I’m mostly pro Palestine, but using this picture with the subtitle ‘history repeats itself’ and therefore portraying what happened at the festival, and the other slaughter missions as a tiny goofy missile, feels kinda disproportionate. Don’t you think?
No. Hundreds of thousands will die in response to hundreds dying. The comic is still fully accurate even if “a single missile” is still condemnable.
“history repeats itself” as in the people who only condemn needless killing when Hamas does it, but ignore the Palestinian cause the rest of the time.
It’s almost like motivation, methods, intentions, and circumstances matter and not just body count. For example, intentionally targeting civilians to maximize civilian deaths is not the same as accidentally killing civilians with collateral damage while trying to minimize civilian deaths.
When Israeli soldiers are bragging about raping and torturing people, it’s very clear what their intentions are
That’s troubling if true, and if it is, do you believe said soldiers speak for the entire Israeli government? Hamas’s atrocities are official policy.
Hamas’ official policy is resisting occupation and massacre, not committing it.
Hamas’ official policy is resisting occupation and massacre, not committing it.
Hamas’ official policy is genocide and they just committed a massacre last week.
Thanks for the link.
So one officer 7 years ago, who had the book thrown at him for his crimes by Israel. His actions are clearly opposed by his government and he was punished for his behavior. This isn’t the smoking gun @matcha_addict was implying it is.
Do you think Hamas will punish its own rapists, murderers, and kidnappers?
Hamas is not a state or government. It is a militia to fight occupation. It is nowhere near as organized as Israel with its governing body. You cannot equate the two.
Israel does not oppose this. There are mountains of evidence of Israelis torturing and raping children, pregnant women and elderly Palestinians. There is mountains of evidence of Palestinians being burned alive, or forced to destroy their own homes with their bare hands. The magnitude of cruelty is unmatched.
Do you want more evidence? I am happy to provide. But it seems you reject it even when presented evidence.
This is nothing new. Often the actions of Israel are portrayed in the worst way possible. As a quick example: The UN considers everyone under 18 a child, hamas starts recruiting at 14. When the IDF does a raid and kills one of these members the Arab media screams „Isreal has slaughtered children“
This is why I switched to being more pro Israel
I’d like to add even more context: ~45% of Palestine is under the age of 14.
Is condom use against their religion?
Palestinians do not have consistent access to clean water, no I don’t think they have consistent access to condoms.
“Palestinian women are not having lots of children because they don’t know about contraception, or can’t access contraception,” says Sara Randall, an anthropologist at University College London, who co-authored the 2006 investigation. “So one has to conclude that they actually want lots of children.” source
FYI links to her study, about Demography, not access to contraception - lead to a 404 page.
Here’s a prrtty informal survey about Gazan access to contraception, it sort of suggests they have, like I said, inconsistent access to contraception.
The article you linked to makes many excellent points. When you’re poor, bored, and chock full of bombing-induced PTSD, having many kids is seen as a good idea.
Upvote this to the front page so that lemmy world sees it.
both sides are stupid. youd think after all these years of fighting a compromise could be found, but NO, they just always fight. gives me the feeling that they dont want it any other way.
“hurr de durr, both sides”
What a giant load of crap
I doubt that you will be swayed by facts, but just for the record: in 2000 Israel offered Hamas to become a fully sovereign nation on 100% of Gaza’s territory (and 95% of the West Bank) with East Jerusalem as their capital. Hamas declined. In 2005 Israel voluntarily disengaged from Gaza and enabled self-rule, hoping this would be a step towards peace. It wasn’t. In 2011 there was another offer for a “two states for two peoples” solution, Hamas once again rejected it.
None of this is surprising since the Hamas is a fanatic Muslim group following the most militant tenets of Islam. Their publicly-stated charter is to utterly destroy Israel (“drive the jews into the sea”) and create a Muslim nation on the entire area of Palestine. So anything less than that is a non-starter. Any Jew left alive in Israel means that they haven’t finished yet.
Note that there’s nothing in the charter about the Palestinian people - The Hamas takes no civic or sovereign responsibility for the population which they govern. In other words, Hamas sees the Palestinian people as a consumable resource in their fight to bring Islam to 100% of the territory historically referred to as “Palestine”. So building tunnels under schools and hospitals is allowed. Diverting humanitarian aid to the military infrastructure while the population starves is fine. Indoctrinating children from kindergarten about the glory of killing Jews is standard procedure. etc. Using the Gaza residents as human shields is valuable both for reducing Hamas casualties as well as increasing collateral damage which makes Israel “look bad” in the international community.
Compromise is difficult because when negotiating with someone who wants you dead, how do you meet them halfway ?
Why agree to this “compromise” when Israel violated the previous one?
Drive the vast majority of a population from their homes, and to a tiny strip of their former homeland, then “generously” offer them to just remain there in their little concentration camp. And not even guaranteed, given Israel’s history. Gee, I wonder why they rejected?
It’s not surprising that this is what occupiers think is “compromise”.
Go further back, even. The UN Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947 would have given Palestine its own territory, splitting it with Israel 45/55. The Arab League and Arab Higher Committee of Palestine both rejected it.
It’s not like compromises have never been offered. The Arabs have simply never been willing to accept anything less than the expulsion of the Jews from the territory.
From their perspective, someone just moved into their house one day and when they objected they said “let’s compromise, you can keep half of the house.” No wonder they rejected that compromise.
Unfortunately we’re now a couple of generations past that initial event so it’s a lot more complicated at this point.
At this rate they shall soon have no house at all. Constant terror attacks against an undefeatable enemy and an unwillingness to compromise will ensure it.
Palestinians are not saying to expel Jews. They are saying to remove the ethnoreligious state, not the Jews themselves.
This was reiterated countless of times. They seek a Democratic state where Jews and non jews can be equal.
Sorry, I was wrong. They want to “obliterate” the Jews, not expel them. When talking about genocide, it’s important to specify the correct flavor.
Regardless, they have multiple times rejected concessions and compromises that would have enabled them to have an independent democratic nation. If that’s truly what they wanted, why would they always pass on the opportunity to get it without bloodshed?
One site is kidnapping children and senior citizens, raping them und displaying them in public. The other is demolishing buildings, where a terror organisation is hiding, with a 3h notice.
No offence but you fell for pollywood
Yeah , the usual pro-israel talk.
I can show you countless evidence of Isreal doing worse several times in the past but people like you don’t care and never will.
Same goes for you, you won’t accept, that israel maybe isn’t as bad as it’s made to be
I saw enough dead child, women and men from the Israeli strikes on schools , hospitals and homes. The horrible hunting screams of fathers and mothers after loosing their children. The empty stare of the sole surviving childs and the ones holding their toddler sibling near the rubbles of their destroyed home, standing not far from the decapitated body of their mother. I saw it happens many and many times before. The expression “it’s a complicated situation” being etched in my mind as I read the responses feeling helpless that the worst crimes can be tossed behind these words. It’s not about accepting Isreal it’s seeing the atrocities they’ve committed countless times before remaining unpunished, disgustingly cheered and applauded many times.
But It’s okey. Humans will destroy themselves sooner or later and these atrocities will forcefully stop.
The difference is, hamas attacks out of hatred towards Israel and Israel attacks to destroy outposts of a terror organisation. Hamas intentional uses hospitals and schools as an outpost to use as a propaganda tool.
I agree civilian casualties are always bad, but you have to accept that Hamas has the goal to maximise them, even on the Gaza side - otherwise they would loose support.
The claim That their freedom fighters are categorized by us and our friends as terrorists will never work on me. The Ukrainian resistance aren’t called terrorists, the french resistance during ww2 weren’t called terrorists. Hamas are like them freedom fighters and the atrocities they commit mirrors that of the aggressor. Among hamas are the sole children left after an Israeli strike, the crazed fathers that lost their families. They want freedom and they fight for it !
The Ukrainian resistance aren’t called terrorists, the french resistance during ww2 weren’t called terrorists.
That’s probably because neither of those groups exhibited the mediaeval barbarity against civilians Hamas has been celebrating.
Hamas are like them freedom fighters and the atrocities they commit mirrors that of the aggressor.
Hamas is explicitly calling for genocide. “The aggressor,” is not. Israel goes to great lengths to minimize civilian deaths, even notifying targets of incoming airstrikes before they hit.
If you think these actions are morally equivalent your moral compass is broken. One side is trying to defend themselves and the other side is trying to eradicate every member of their opponent’s society.
They want freedom and they fight for it !
Perhaps they should negotiate for it rather than continually provoking an enemy they cannot defeat militarily and hiding among civilians. That would prevent many needless civilian casualties.
Go fuck yourself Settler
Go fuck yourself Settler
Wow what a valuable contribution to the discussion. Piss off.
Whenever Israel says their gonna bomb a place to let civilians leave, the Hamas make the civilians stay so they get killed along with them. The Hamas are monsters