this shouldn’t be controversial i will never understand why anyone glorifies the soviet union
Because they turned themselves from a shithole nation into a world superpower practically overnight. The odds were super stacked against them and if it wasn’t for them collapsing under their own contradictions (and a boatload of pressure from fascism worldwide) they would still be one today. Like obviously there’s a lot of stuff I eeeeh at, but when you consider the hand they were given, they played one hell of a game.
The one reason everyone either loves or hates them all boils down to the fact they ended the nazis. Hence why all anticommunists are fascists.
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I like the implication that Poland is or should be centre-moderate, but the current ruling party is anything but
Wszystkie media mówią, że to ‘rasizm, strzelaniny, socjalizm, KKK’ Chcę tylko grillować na litość boską.
Yeah let’s glorify the parades of nationalists.
POLSKA GÓRĄ 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
Damn, I thought that was Austria’s flag. Since when does Poland use a red-white-red flag?
I think that’s just an aesthetic choice
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This photo is from the 2018 Independence March in Poland. If interpreted in good faith, it could simply be opposition to authoritarianism or historically to the USSR and the Third Reich. I think it’s fine if that’s the case, and yet I can’t bring myself to like anything about The Independence March. It was initiated by far-right ultranationalists like the National Radical Camp, All-Poland Youth, and National Movement, and organized by the people from these groups. Far-right political parties such as the current ruling Law and Justice, and the Konfederacja are also involved. Even Italian neo-fascists from Forza Nuova were there in 2018. For more than a decade, acts of xenophobia, homophobia (including the infamous burning of the “tęcza” on Savior Square), nationalist and fascist ideologies, and hatred have taken place there. Polish Independence Day should be a day of celebration for me, but because of this march, every year I wish this day to end as soon as possible. And just to be clear, I’m not saying that people in this photo are evil or committing any of the acts mentioned above. Perhaps they just want to celebrate The Independence Day in their own way without thinking about the context of the march (which is very likely), but because of the history of the march I can never know for sure who isn’t evil (excluding children, they’re always evil). For all I know, the same people holding this banner may have no problem holding the 2022 banner (the text says “stop totalitarianism”):