shameful past moment rule
It’s not fly lice, it’s fried rice, you plick
Uncle Benny!
Once I was at a sushi restaurant and I absentmindedly bowed a bit with my hands in the prayer position.
I just said thank you when they brought my bill. I was mortified!!! I left a huge tip and never went back.
Twitter for Windows CE
wait what
CE is still used far more frequently than you’d think. I had been phasing it out for retail clients, but one of them had received brand new time clocks that ran CE
Yes I know, but Twitter for CE?
Joke’s stupid. It’s not the ‘R’ they have trouble saying.
From my understanding the Japanese have a sound between R and L, but neither one on their own
That’s Japanese though, this is talking about Chinese. There are a lot of languages and dialects lumped under “Chinese” though. Iirc Mandarin has both an R and an L sound, however I think Cantonese doesn’t have an “R” (can’t remember, I studied some Mandarin when I was a teenager and I think I remember being told that Cantonese didn’t have an “R”, but it’s been a long time). Not sure about any other languages/dialects.
Similarly, Korean transliterations of L and R use the same jamo, ᄅ. In actual use the character is pronounced like either English letter depending on where in the word it is.
In many Asian accents fried rice will come out as fly lice. So maybe stupid, but also accurate.
Also relevant, my college Chemistry teacher was going down the mole-related measurements, and noting that some students are going to have trouble confusing molarity and molality which are different things, and you may have to practice a bit.
I worked at a CD-ROM reseller in San Francisco in the 1990s staffed mostly by second-generation immigrants from China. They commonly poked fun at each other’s accent, with the fly lice! thing bouncing around the room at least once a week.