Context (for those who don’t know): Israel and Palestine
One group was actually living there and the other group moved in and literally ripped people from their homes.
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One group took 2 years to organize an attack on civilians, the other didnt…
That’s been happening for the last 5,000 years in that region though, since the Canaanites.
It’s not like the Palestinians were the first there.
The Palestinians are descendants of the ancient canaanites. Most of the people in that region never left they just changed their religion at some point. This hasn’t always been happening, in Ottoman times Christians Jews and Muslims peacefully coexisted in the region.
I mean, kinda? They’re also heavily descended from 7th Century AD Arabic conquerors, but yes, many other natives may have adopted Arabic culture, language and religion at that time.
But Jewish culture is also derived from the Canaanite culture, with arguably more overlap. Jewish culture in the region can be traced back to at least the 9th Century BC, with the literal Kingdom of Israel. So the argument of “Well who was there first?” does not necessarily favor the Palestinians over the Israelis.
This has always been happening though. It’s not like the Ottomans took over the region peacefully. It’s been conquered and re-conquered by Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans…
Palestinian culture is also derived from canaanite culture. Arabs are semitic people and follow abrahamic traditions. When places get conquered usually the ruling class changes but the lower class people stay in their homes and just change language/religion/identity. Usually the new rulers don’t try to completely wipe out the inhabitants of their new land the way israel is doing with Palestinians
Borders are violence.
It worked so well when they did the same thing for themselves and Ireland.
It always works out fine for them. I don’t know why anybody says imperialism or colonialism are bad or destructive, seems to me that Britain and France and Spain and Portugal and the Dutch are all doing fine. Really weird how maps of their empires seem to overlap a lot with parts of the world that currently or recently experienced a lot of, idk let’s call it “troubles?” They must be dumb or smth
Also that whole India/Pakistan thing. And I seem to remember some stuff happening in Africa.
The secret ingredient is running the fuck away before either of them notice.
Because all those countries had lovely relationships among the people beforehand with absolutely no genocide and war.
Really easy to make perfect borders that makes everyone happy.
They weren’t countries. They became countries when the colonizers (and I’m using that term as accurately as possible) lumped together into managed regions and then told them they were countries with their own governments and flags. It was all “We’re going to conquer these people and these people and these people, then put Governor Fitzroy, nephew to the Prince, in charge of all of it with a big army to back him up.” Then they wrote laws and made flags and all the happy crappy stuff they do. Then they lost WWII (because pretty much everyone except for the US lost WWII), and said “you’re on your own.”
They turned former colonies into artificial countries with governments that all but guaranteed factionalism.
There was always war, and there always will be war. But the specific type of war we’re seeing in former colonies is because of the post-colonial situation.
Are you suggesting we should reinstate the glory of the British empire?
Britain has planted the seeds of hatred and bloodshed in the middle east and is now acting as if it has no responsibility towards resolving the conflict.
It is hard to watch the British media coverage of this war acting all outraged and surprised by the violence while being proud of their historical imperial inheritance .
Britain is laughably impotent today.
Britain and France are responsible for such an enormous fuck up in Asia, Africa and the middle east, past and present, it’s probably impossible to put it in numbers. The US gets bashed a lot (deservedly), but I think those two were planting something way more devastating for generations to come
Also Britain: Oh good, the UN voted in favor of splitting up the land except the entire Arab League voting against the plan? Ok, sounds good, bye guys, have fun!
It’s like an HOA: The council is deciding how to divide up your backyard between your neighbors. The lawn owner is the only dissenting vote and then the neighborhood wonders why they are being so hostile.
Except in this case it costs you not just your backyard but basically your entire life.
It was still a better plan than the ottoman empire had before Britain took it from them.
Yeah, genocide turned out to be much better alternative right?
Either way, the Ottoman empire was on its way out, and the Arabs sought to establish a United state. So whatever the ottomans were doing is irrelevant.
Alternate caption: “Zionists smuggling in settlers before the British mandate ended to have enough votes to create a State of Israel as a safe haven for Holocaust refugees, then getting populated mostly by Jews fleeing Arab countries out of fear of retaliation for having created the State of Israel a day early and having pushed most Palestinians out by force”
You realize that most Israelis came from Europe after WW2?
or do you think Liebermann, Herzog, Weitzmann, Goldberg, Weinstein etc. are Arabic names? 33 % are ethnic Europeans as opposed to 12% from asia and 15% from Africa
Someone’s parents never taught them to share.
Obligatory fuck religion.
Palestine is not a religious entity, and have been in favor of religious coexistence since the very beginning. It is the Zionist state that is exclusive of other religions by design.
So then, why is their official goal to destroy Israel? Thats 100% a religious war
Israel is by its own definition the Zionist state founded on religious exclusivism. An ethnocentric state in a land inhabited by other religions and ethnicities. It should absolutely be taken down.
religious war
Israel is not Judaism.
An ethnocentric state in a land inhabited by other religions and ethnicities.
- In land bordering the lands of lther religions and ethnicities.
What exactly justifies the takedown of Israel? That its religion is different or what? Thats none of ghe other countries business.
Can we just glass Isreal and Palestine both?