Hamas have done more for Palestine than anything the EU has ever done
It’s been 17 years since the last election. Assuming only 18 and up could vote, that means only people current around 34 and up could vote. So the bulk of Palestinians didn’t even have a chance to vote in that election. Not to mention that they were given the choice between a corrupt faction (Fatah) and a possible less corrupt faction (Hamas).
I am so afraid this message is getting lost. There has been a deliberate push to paint this latest incident to be the reason that neighborhoods had to be flattened and civilians slaughtered.
Yes we can. These people are fighting over religion. Fucking religion.
If you’re religious, you’re part of the problem. All sides suck.
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If by “done more” you mean “gotten civilians killed” and by “aid” you mean “militant religious zealotry”, then you’re absolutely correct. Otherwise, eat a dick you terrorist bootlicker goon.
Here here. At least somebody has some fucking balls. Perhaps because it’s not a mess they created.
We sure confused the Nazi Party with all Germans back in 1940s though. How many Palestinian uprising or public demonstrations against Hamas has there been in the last 50 years? In anywhere?
Palestinian refugees in Europe were reported as being ecstatic about the massacres, with only worry being that Israel might strike back.
Palestine is done. The best future for them would be to leave the area, as this Tildes comment sagely suggests: https://tildes.net/~news/1b5i/israel_gaza_conflict_discussion_thread#comment-auq4
Hamas came in power in 2006(17 years ago).
Haven’t surveys shown that a majority of Palestinians support Hamas?
Hamas is the only group in this world standing up for the Palestinian people, so I would support them too, we’re I locked up in that open air prison, my family and friends being constantly murdered for profit.
Sure but you try being killed and kicked out of your homes. I’m sure you would not like the people who are doing it either. Israel has created this mess.
I mean if you live in a country controlled by a terrorist group that kills anyone who is not their side, and someone goes to your door and asks if you support them… What would you say?
It’s easy to dismiss this issue by thinking they have the same freedom of speech as we do in the west, and they can have political opinions without any repercussion.
Same can be said about north Korea.
Hamas = dick heads
Government of Israel = dick heads
Palestinians = abused and oppressed victims
Really makes you think about why Hamas is so radicalized, doesn’t it? It’s not like you can pull a Muslim out of a hat and radicalize them. People in a stable, healthy, and fair socioeconomic position do not see violence as an answer. People who live under constant oppression, inequality, and fear do.
Isreali citizens = also victims, although much less abused and arguably somewhat complicit if they immigrated.
This part always makes me feel ambivalent about the Israelites in the conflict. Israeli citizens are complicit victims, and that’s a contradiction but it’s also true. Civilians are getting hurt and dying and that’s not okay. However those same Israeli citizens are also supporting a basically genocidal government. Thousands of guidanceless rockets were fired at Isreal, are they expected not to respond? Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been victimized for their entire lives, are they expected not to respond?