Add Kira and Ezri and I suspect someone at Paramount has a fetish for short haired girls. And tight suits.
There were lots of women with varied hair length and ages. Most vulcan women, Pulaski’s can be considered short, the female Changeling, Ortegas, Seven…
I feel like it was just to be futuristic, like short hair is more acceptable on women in the 24th century than it is in reality. Which may seem odd now, but not when these first aired.
I can’t blame them.
And the girl from Stargate, too.Scifi shows are good.
You forgot T’pol.
She’s in the picture they’re replying to.
Well… this one is a bit on the nose given Jennifer Lien’s post ST history.
Yeah. It’s really sad what happened to her. She was gorgeous on the show.
I guess Yar must have picked up the drug habit in those hard days of her youth on Turkana IV.
What a bad influence! /s
Yeah, all that smoking filled her lungs with Tar.
Could’ve posted this Tuesday and having the last frame be Tasha, with an eye patch saying ‘yaarrrrr!’.
I would’ve made the meme, but international talk like a pirate day is over, I’ll tell myself to remember it for next year and forget.