Here is where I am at. Live in an apartment so space is tight and needed everything to be able to move into the closet. I’ve got SNES, N64, Wii mini, Sega Genesis, PS2, a vcr, receiver and stereo speakers, Extron switcher, and playing them all on a Sony PVM14L5. The rack is from Amazon and most are hooked up via RGB.
Nice! It reminds me of teachers bringing in the TV for a class and having the usual fight with channels and inputs for the next 3-5 minutes.
Do you wheel it back to its parking spot when unused?
Nice rack 😏
Took longer than I thought for someone to come up with this!
SICK Extron switch!! I used to install those in media centers and theaters!
Thanks! I got it for a steal and it’s totally overkill but hoping to expand someday!
Perfect for the application though! I never thought I’d ever actually see another one of those in the wild.
Took inspiration from others so I definately cant claim as my idea
That is so dang cool, how do you get games if you’re looking for a specific one?
Very nice! I’m seeing a SNES, N64, VCR, Genesis?, and a vertically stood PS2? Am I missing anything?
nice, i have one of those carts too and put some hanging canvas organizers on the back to put controllers and stuff in. however, i wouldn’t be able to see a thing happening on that monitor without being a couple feet away (like at a desk)- how close do you sit to it??
Oh man that is awesome!
Thanks I appreciate it!
I think this needs an NSFW tag.
😆 appreciate it. It is sexy!
This is amazing. Love it. Cables are managed too.
I’d like them managed better honestly but they are passable for me for now
This setup is nice. It’s also interesting that I’ve never heard of Wii mini but I was a PlayStation kid :)
It flew under my radar for a long time as well. I got it for a steal.
Is N64 Mortal Kombat any good?
It probably is but I’m not good at it
Good stuff!
Thank you!
If the cart doesn’t have a name already, go with Mario or Crash Team. Nice setup.
Getting real “wheeling in the cart for movie day in school” memories, except those were a lot less cool than this is.
Also here is the back side. Still a mess but better than it was in the beginning ha.
I wonder how much time you invested to build this setup
Not as bad as you would think actually. I collected all the gaming hardware over time. Cables and tv and such. Last piece was the shelving. Took about a day to get everything set up and another day of tweaking and cable management.
Interesting. Just by looking at the picture I thought it was much more than just two days. Thanks for sharing!