How good was Red Alert though? One of my favorites, and I think RA2 was the first game I ever played online.
Also worth mentioning, since we’re in Risa, that George Takei was even in RA3!
It was awesome back in the day. Its clunky but still fun today. While it was a little campy during the cutscenes, it was actually supposed to have a more serious tone than RA2.
It also answers the question of what if Stalin didn’t stop at Berlin.
Similar to most navies.
Engineering’s workload won’t really change, they’ll do certain types of maintenance.
Most navies don’t have command staff on the bridge full time. There would be a watch officer who is fairly junior learning how to operate the ship so the down time is an opportunity for them to grow and learn.
Most navies seperate the captain and first officer, with the first officer involved in running the ship and the captain running the big picture.
So you would expect the first officer to spend the time checking on every department to ensure they are up to standard.
That would mean department heads would be running drills or bringing equipment down for maintenance so its ready.
The captain would likely be planning and thinking through the encounter.
For any free time senior officers have there is probably a mountain of reports (personnel, ship, intelligence, etc…) to read and keep tabs on.
“Number one, you can’t build that now. Those tanks just took out your north power supply.”
“Captain, I assure you I can build the radar. I only need five units to-”
Don’t tell anyone but I hid a networked kadis-kot program in the diagnostic database. Look for “Aft Tractor Beam Polarization”.
they absolutely have movie nights on the bridge
If anyone is looking to replay Red Alert 2 again I strongly recommend trying out the Mental Omega mod. It’s an asbolutely massive entirely new game that does a better job than the poor attempts at sequels. Mod site is here:
The hexbears will like that it adds China and a united latin confederation.
Reporting. Unit ready. Silos needed. Insufficient funds. Achhknowledged.